My incision is itching so bad I can't stand it! I was told not to put ointment or anything on it because it will keep the stitches from dissolving properly and could cause infection. I try to rub it lightly to stop the itching but it only makes it hurt and itch worse! LOL Its making me crazy! It doesn't help that the hair is growing back and adding to the itching. I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions for when they had it done.
That has to be annoying but my best advice is to enjoy the feeling. I know it sounds weird but I had my surgery 5 months ago and still can’t feel ANYTHING in my face. I can’t taste food, talk right, nothing! BUT I don’t have shocks anymore so I am very lucky I hope yours was a success as well! Good luck with the itching
I have a children's benadryl ointment that evaporates quickly that helps a lot with itching. (Sorry I am out of town and don't have the tube to look at to give you the exact name) You might also try gargling children's liquid benadryl with helps with itching and doesn't make you drowsy. Just remember that itching equals healing and that your incision is healing if it is itching.
Katie i’m sorry for the numbness! That has to be so very annoying! I am glad you don’t have shocks though! I would trade the shocks for the itching any day!
Gail, thank you, I will try a benadryl cream. I didn’t even think of something like that. Thank you so much!
I ment I would take the itch over the shocks any day. It didn’t come out right… sorry :-\