New study on lyrica findings

Has anyone read the news about a new study that has finished on lyrica and neutron? The finding are on how these drugs work exactly on the brain and what this means to the brain. The full report will not be released till October of this year. It was a bit scary on what was found, and made me doubt if I should go try to find another drug for my tn. Then again I wonder if this is bit like the hysteria surrounding opioids. Sorry I can’t link to the story as my phone won’t let me but I’m sure if you google you’ll find it. Just wondering for some more input from others who have read this. Thanks y’all

do you have a link for the story you can paste on here? I am off it now,, but would like to read it, since I am having some issues left over from taking it

Thanks,, Wendy


What issues left over from taking Lyrica do you have if you don't mind me asking? I'm curious because I'm on Lyrica at the moment (didn't tolerate Neurontin). I have been losing hair and my legs feel really heavy, it even wakes me up from sleep. I'm not sure if it's from the Lyrica or if it's just me being stressed out most of the time, not doing enough exercise etc.

Thank you,


crashgirl said:

do you have a link for the story you can paste on here? I am off it now,, but would like to read it, since I am having some issues left over from taking it

Thanks,, Wendy

me too - interested in knowing.

if at least it doesn't have a permanent effect...

i had issues with both tegretol and lyrica and my legs, it feels like a rolling twitchiness when I lay down at night and my toes get numbness, it is driving me nuts. I have been off both of those drugs for weeks now and I still have the sensation. The tegretol was worse, i could barely walk while i was on it, the pain in my legs was so bad, but the lyrica made that weird sensation, its almost impossible to describe. I also got dizzy on Lyrica too


Oldriska said:


What issues left over from taking Lyrica do you have if you don't mind me asking? I'm curious because I'm on Lyrica at the moment (didn't tolerate Neurontin). I have been losing hair and my legs feel really heavy, it even wakes me up from sleep. I'm not sure if it's from the Lyrica or if it's just me being stressed out most of the time, not doing enough exercise etc.

Thank you,


crashgirl said:

do you have a link for the story you can paste on here? I am off it now,, but would like to read it, since I am having some issues left over from taking it

Thanks,, Wendy

you can look at and hundreds of people there will tell you short and long term side effects they had

I had horrible reactions to Lyrica. I think that is what was causing my blackouts. Leg spasms. Total loss of whereabouts, etc. I had to go off of it immediately and have been dealing with dizziness/balance, etc. ever since.

Lyria has been like a wonder drug for me. It has been the only thing my face has responded to. I take it all at once so I can drive during the day, and somewhat function as a mom. Right now I am pretty loopy and frustrated because I can hardly stay awake while trying to help my 3rd grader with her math. hth. blessings~~