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51 year old with Fibro among other health problems since 2000. Had Sinus issues most of my life and then 5 different sinus surgeries since 1997 and then finally diagnosed with Allergic Fungal Sinusitis.I also have a history of Migraines since 2000. About a year ago I some facial pain that I thought was my sinus problems cause I am used to sinus facial pain.But it really only affected one side so when discussed to doctor he suspected TN. My Mother had TN type 1. It continued a month so, very mild and then was better. After that I had periods of jaw pain, ear pain, eye pain. Some spots on face that went numb and doctor said probably my FM.

Then the past few months I had a few spells of feeling like I was blacking out but suddenly coming back before completely blacked out. A major sinus infection with antibiotics, facial pain hit and hit hard. When it did not clear up and was left on one side, doctor again thought maybe it is TN. Watch and see. A week later I am back, vertigo, jaw pain, top teeth, extreme burning in cheek next to nose, rt temple and forehead. It was and is like a cross between sinus pain and migraine in my face. My migraines are always starting in rt temple. Tried 2 meds and could not take. Then back of rt side of head and neck. One side only, now tongue tingles and sizzles out thru the tip of it. Pain was keeping me awake so the combo of pain and the 2nd med he put me on had me seeing things and hallucinating at night. Started 3rd med, Carbamapazine? Now pain has gone to left side too but not as painful. I take 200 mg of pill at night and by morning my temples and back of head are throbbing. As day goes on, my tongue sizzles and my bottom rt lip is numb and I have bitten a few times. Both cheeks burn. Both ears painful and feel stopped up at times, no infection. Jaw pain is horrible. And new problem is forehead and all around eyes as day goes on feel tight and funny, like I'm having to stretch them to blink. Like glue or soap dried. Not sure if that is med or symptom of TN. And newest symptom last night is right side of throat and front of neck hurt, sore. So I just had MRI,waiting results. Praying it is not TN cause I seen my Mother suffer for years and I know you all here have. It's odd how it started slowly but now is progressing, taking over whole face and fast.

Thanks for reading whole thing and I'm glad to read the posts here and know I am not alone. I've dealt with FM pain for years and now when a new pain arrives it just freaks me out. No more pain please!

Hi welcome to this site, hope you are having a better day today. You have experienced quite a lot. Hopefully it is not TN and the doctors can help resolve your issues. Will be thinking of you in my thoughts and prayers.