Neurosurgical Consult

A joke well taken, Porcelina. If your hospital has a practice standards committee or equivalent, then I would suggest that your first neurologist be reported to that group with a recommendation for retraining. If he did this nonsense to you, then he's doing it to others. The jerk needs to read up on "nocebo effect". Functional MRI results have confirmed that pain patients thrive significantly better under treatment by doctors who establish a strongly supportive relationship in which the patient's participation is encouraged and their observations credited in their own care. The opposite effect also pertains: doctors who establish a negative relationship tend to get poorer outcomes.

Regards, Red

Hey guys, about the fat thing.. I went to my neurologist yesterday. I have put on a few poundsss. And my snoring is worse.!!Family is complaining.:( So we have taken out the amitriptyline that I have been on for the burning chin since March I think and have doubled my Topamax which helps to lose weight in hope to help me with my shocking pain I am having and he gave me more percocet for the burning to replace the amitrip in case it gets bad. Soo he's a good neuro... One of the good guys!!! Actually helping me to lose weight and trying to get my cocktail back in order. Hope it works....

I would definitely look for another doc. I refuse to see one who acts like a jerk.

When my Pain Consultant went to the filing cabinet, I thought he was bringing new drug information.He handed me a Stress Music CD. I said "Thank you so much, lets put it on and you and I can both listen too it.In the meanwhile I will be sawing your leg off, but just relax with the music".He said "point taken"! :-)

Move on. Don't waste your time. Sorry you are in pain, but do not give up. Many blessings~~