Neuropsychiatric lupus

In the wee hours of this morning I found this transcript when I was having a cruddy time with sleep. I’m sharing this article because my neuro and my GP think my TN my come from my immune system going after my nerves. I was refered to a Rheumatologist who is I suspect did not care about this or believe it and I was only offered an appointment that was a year and half out (of course it could have been this rheumatologist was just in demand too much because they are the only one in the area). Then I finally saw a this type of doctor who did not know anything on tn, and then just said fibromyalgia and that was it. No other appointment follow blah blah blah. I did ask the later rheumy if there any ways or types of lupus that target mostly the nervous system his answer some not really. So I doubted my self and my neuro’s.

What lead me to believe my tn could have been lead by an autoimmune disease was my family history and I have a mystery fever at lest once a week every month. There is not just one or two family members with an auto immune disease but at 7 and all are close related; both parents, a sister, two aunts; and both grandmothers. Any hoots, I saw this transcript and plan to research this more in the next few weeks, but I thought I would share in case anyone else is intersted. This is just a transcript of a web chat with people asking a neurologist asking how lupus can affect the body with the nervous system. I found some of the questions to be very interesting.

Thanks Kari,

This is what I've been thinking for some time now. Please let me know how you plan to move forward with this

Thanks, Kari. I realize this is an old post, but am hoping someone might have any additional insights or updates on connections between lupus (or other autoimmune connective tissue issues) and facial pain including neuralgias. I’m suspecting a connection as well, but haven’t found much.

Thanks in advance for any insights.