
Has anyone been referred to a Neuroimmunologist and if so did yo have any results.
I went to a very well know TN Facial Doc in the tristate area complaining of on going facial pain post opMVD 2 years.The pain is chronic and the fatigue is unmanageable.
He believes after reviewing all of my records that there is an underlying autoimmune or virus that is attacking these facial and head nerves hence the referral to Neuroimmunology???

hi there,
I have never heard of that, but that is very interesting! in my own case my neurological problems started after some autoimmune-like symptoms.
MS, is considered to be an immune-mediated disease and is one of the causes of TN. But the viral case seems far fetched to me because in all my years of reading about it i have not heard of it.

What treatments has he offered?


I have had TN for 8 years now. My neurologist is fabulous after a long list of terrible ones. I am showing symptoms of auto-immune disease, not MS -already checked, but possible Lupus which CAN cause face pain. My appointment is coming up soon and I look forward to see what he knows about that. I am saddened by your trouble with doctors as I went through that too. I hope you can find someone to help you. With your blood vessel pressing on the TN nerve I don’t know why surgery wouldn’t fix it. Good Luck!

TN for 7 years now MVD and serious CSF leak.Originally symptoms were focused on autoimmune esp lupus but without
Labs to support.Tn symptoms exasperated so autoimmune got shelved.We now are back to autoimmune and thanks so much for your info on facial pain and Lupus which I was not aware.
I will now definitely pursue my Neuroimmunology appointment.