Need help: Dr changing me from Lyrica to Trileptal

I am on Lyrica and seeing positive results, but I’m still having pain and it have been getting slightly worse. I take 225 mg a day currently, so I asked my doctor if I should increase. He just called back and is switching me to Trileptal. I feel like he’s switching me too soon. I need your thoughts. Should I push back again?

I have taken Lyrica before early on in my diagnosis of ATN. I think Trileptal is stronger and he will probly start you on a lower dosage of Trileptal. I am on Trileptal now. I was on Lyrica in the first six months of 07. I prefer Trileptal. Min

I think you should give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised. If not he can always try something else or put you back on the Lyrica. As Min wisely pointed out, he might be trying to reduce the overall dose with a stronger working medication. Don’t stress. If you’re having breakthrough pain it’s a good practice to try something else.

Word of caution: whenever you’re starting a new medication be aware of allergic reaction symptoms like trouble breathing, swelling of tongue, rash and itching. If you have any of these symptoms stop taking the medication and immediately contact your doctor or get to an emergency room!

I have ATN and am also on Lyrica — on Tegretol too. I've read that Lyrica doesn't often work on it's own, but is better combined with another drug. I've been on Tegretol for about 9mo. and it took awhile to get on the correct dosage. I've been on Lyrica for about 5mo. and have played around with dosages (under my Dr. approval of course). I agree with the other ladies, if you could be on a stronger drug that is a smaller dose that might be better. However, I believe that Lyrica's only real side effects are light headedness, so if Trileptal has more side effects you could try a high dose of Lyrica? That's one that is SO annoying about TN is it takes awhile to get on the right drug plan and you just kind of have to play with it.

I disagree with your doctor - if you have any symptoms of ATN. A neurologist did the exact same to me when the Lyrica wasn't working really well. YOU HAVE TO BE WEANED OFF THE LYRICA. My doc just took me off Lyrica - cold turkey and started me on Trileptal. I went into the worst pain that I have ever felt in my life. The Tri made me nauseous and I had no desire to eat at all. I went 3 days without sleep and eating before another doctor stepped in and titrated me off the Tri and weaned me back to the Lyrica. The current dosage you are on is small and I would demand that your doc tries a higher dosage - more often during the day before going to Tri. My doctor just reccommended today that I break my 75mg capsule open and sprinkle 1/2 Lyrica on applesauce or something so I can take it every 2-3 hours rather than every 7 or 8. I take 3 75mg caps per day and I feel like a new person. I want to eat and I can sleep (with some help from other meds). I have some symptoms of TN1, but the Lyrica is now working for me and being out of pain (whatever it takes) is more important than anything else.

I have been on Lyrica (300 mg daily) for about a year now. I had good results for a long time but a couple of months ago started having pain again and it got bad very quickly. My docter ADDED Trileptal to my routine so now I take the 30o mg Lyrica and 300 mg Trileptal daily. It has been 2 weeks since adding the Trileptal and I really am not seeing any improvement. Can anyone tell me how long it took before they saw results either with Trileptal alone or this combination. I want to know how long before I decide this isn't working and change it up again.

Ekep, it can take 3 weeks to start working, but I would put a call into you doc just to be sure. Min