Nano Technology

Have any of you heard of Nano-Technology as a possible treatment for TN1 and atypical TN patients? I read that it's a promising treatment that's on the horizon. I'm still clinging to the hope that there will either be a cure or some wonder drug that will help us in our lifetime.

Hang in there everyone! So glad we have each other. :)

There is a drug now in stage II trials in the UK that may help a lot. Originally targeted to suppress a gene that operates only in the trigeminal system, as a migraine remedy, there is also promise against TN. It won't "cure" the disorder, but it might have significantly fewer whole-body side effects.

Regards, Red

Red, do you know when something is in stage II trials, overseas, if it were considered a viable med, how long until we would see it available here in the US?

Crystal, on this one I actually don't know with any authority. But I know a couple of people I can ask. Ping me next week if I haven't gotten back to you on this...

Regards, Red