ATN and botox treatments

Hey group,

Firstly I have 24/7 type II TN.

Im signed up for a botox treatment which is something like 32 injections all over your head including in your trigeminal nerve and its surrounding area. The injections will be given on both sides of the head and not just on the side that has ATN. There are other users on here from europe, and the likes, who swear by this treatment and my neurologist wants me to give it a try, for the record it wasn't my idea. I don't want to try anything to invasive and non-repairable so this seems to be a good option for me. The diagnosis for the reason of the treatment is facial migraine...

The cost is AUS$1000, so its not cheap. I could only get a small amount taken off with my medical insurance in my country.

Also the way it works is that you would have the injections every 3 months and initially I won't know if it has worked for 7-10 days after the treatment. I'm not expecting miracles because I've tried hundreds of things over the 4-5 years since my ATN started so I'm not holding my breath... but I guess I hold some hope as I know it has helped others on here. There is no research to support that it helps ATN but ATN sufferers have had some positive results with it... people who have had the treatment for their migraine have found it helped their ATN I mean.

Anyways.. another attempt at some relief !

I'll let you know of any outcomes, and if any of you have had positive results share them below so that others can know about it. I didn't know it had helped ATN sufferers until I directly asked people on here.

Thanks Luke

Luke, I do hope and pray that this benefits you. I have read that it has helped others with type 2. I eagerly await your results.

Hi Luke! Thanks so much for your info. on your upcoming botox treatments! I am VERY interested in this as is one of my Dr.s, so please keep us updated on how the treatments work for you! I've been reading a lot about this & am excited for the potential relief AND hope it may bring!!! :) Wishing you the very best!

I totally wish you good luck with this treatment! Of course, everyone is different with how they react to treatments. I have both chronic migraines and ATN. I have had 2 rounds of Botox and though it has miraculously helped with my migraines, it hasn't done anything for my ATN. I haven't given up hope that eventually after one treatment, it will help. :) Don't worry about the injections, the biggest issue is the alcohol that they wipe the area with first, it makes the injection sting. Afterwards, some of the areas will look like you have Mosquito bites. For my migraines, the effects kick in in about a week. For me, I have insurance and I just pay a little copay, but it works so well and literally has changed my quality of life that we would find a way to pay for even if we didn't have insurance. Good luck to you and I truly hope that it works for you!!!!

Luke, thanks for sharing your experience, many of us with Type II are desperate to find some alternatives to standard pharmaceutical therapy (since those don’t usually do the job very well). I will be very anxious to hear the result.

Luke, I also live with type II TN. I have bilateral ATN type II. I have migraines as well. My neuro has been giving me botox injections for my migraines, I had hopes that the injections would also knock out some of the TN pain. It really did help alot with my migraines. Took out 80% of my headaches. Just the really killer ones still will break through. My daily facial pain is still an on going issue for me. I have decreased some of the pain with medication, and have occasional flares usually brought on by stress or dramatic weather changes and barometric pressure fluctuations. I certainly hope you have success with the botox for your TN. Please take my well wishes and happy thoughts for today. Remember you are not alone, we suffer together. We will find the solution together. Don't worry about the injections, they are not really painful at all. They are over before you know it.

Hi, Luke! Have you started the botox treatments yet and, if so, how is it going?? Is your neurologist doing the shots or another type of doc?

Thanks for the info! Hope you are doing okay!

yes I’d like to know too

Hey Luke,

Are you AU based? I'm in Perth. Recently diagnosed with Type II TN/geniculate neuralgia. I have excruciating ear pain. I've been thinking about whether botox could help - I'd love to hear how you went.



Hey everyone,
The Botox treatment was supposed to start working between 10 days and 1month if it at all. Unfortunately it hasn’t done anything drastic in my case… But I’m glad I crossed it off the list rather than wondering. My ATN pain is still as strong as ever, but I do feel my mental stamina has been slightly increased… Maybe from the Botox relaxing the neck and head muscles. It isn’t life changing though.
Sorry for the delay but had nothing to report till now

Hey Luke,

Sorry to hear that it hasn't been the smoking gun I'm sure you (and all of us!!) were hoping for.

All the best,


Hello Luke. Sorry that the BOTOX did not help. I had it done and It was only helpful for about 5 days. Then, a severe bout came and I was very miserable. I have talked with others that have had BOTOX for chronic pain- all mixed results.

Wishing you the best. Cheers. Michael