Hello All,
I found this site amidst my hunt to figure out what is going on with my body. I've been to doctors, dentists, endodontists, ENTs, etc. with no luck so far. From what I've read so far, it seems you all have a lot of wisdom and knowledge and I was hoping I could gain some insight into what I may be experiencing.
To give you some background - I am a 25 year old female with a completely clean medical record up until this point. I'm a therapist in a rehab center, so I have a medical background and so it's especially hard for me to not understand what may have caused this or what may be going on.
My story: On November 19th, I had my first ever dental work done - two fillings on the left side, top and bottom molars. As far as I could tell, everything went pretty routinely except I could feel little "twinges" from the drilling. I went back on December 3rd to have a final filling done on my bottom right molar. My dentist asked me if I was experiencing any problems with the previous 2 fillings and I wasn't at that point. The next day, I noticed some sensitivity in the bottom left molar (the one done 2 weeks prior). It was sensitive to cold and pressure. At night, the tooth would throb and ache - typical toothache stuff, which then progressed into feeling like I had an ear infection. I went to an endodontist who determined I had irreversible pulpits and that I needed a root canal. This root canal made that tooth sore for about a week, but other than that, the tooth sensitivity was gone. But, my ear was still hurting and that should've taken care of that pain. Shortly after, sure enough, the molar above that tooth began to go through the same cycle. Then two weeks later, the last filling went through that cycle: tooth sensitivity, throbbing tooth pain, ear/jaw pain.) Long story short, all 3 had to have root canals. My endodontist did not "overfill" the canals because we looked at the radiograph directly after to RCT and you can clearly see that they look just as they should with no material passing the tip of the root. On all 3 teeth, he said that there was no infection present but that the inside of my tooth was "inflamed" which he would expect to see. Another odd thing - on December 7th, I went to the ER because I woke up in the middle of the night with severe chest pains. All tests came back clear. I still have these chest pains, although not as severe.
Now, my symptoms have progressed, just in the matter of weeks, into a continuous ache throughout all 3 trigeminal nerve branches on both side of my face (beginning with the left side, because that's the side I had dental work done on first, and then about 2 weeks later, the right side joined in). At night, the pain is worse - no medication helps. At night I get shooting pains that extend from my scalp all the way to the tips of my fingers. I see a facial pain specialist on February 4th, but I just feel as if it is impossible to wait that long.
My PCP initially threw out a TMD diagnosis, but I know in my heart that this is not right. I do not have any pain with cranking my jaw open. Nothing seems to trigger my pain, or relieve it. The only thing I've found to be helpful is ice packs. I am working full-time. The pain is manageable during the day (maybe I'm not as focused on it?) But some nights, I get so depressed because of the unrelenting pain and the pain seems to intensify. I am able to sleep (I'm utterly exhausted at the end of the day), but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain.
Things I've tried to date: 2 medrol dose packs (the first one helped tremendously, the second one (which I'm on day 4 of, not so much...), all kinds of pain killers, even a shot of dilaudid didn't touch the pain, an infraorbital nerve block (made my face numb, yet still had pain), and I started Tegretol yesterday with no change in symptoms (although I increase my dosage today). Still waiting to see the facial pain specialist, as well as a neurologist and anesthesiologist (per recommendation of my ENT to do a nerve block at the trigeminal ganglion).
Has anyone hear of/experienced anything like this? I know I have some features of ATN, but I just can't wrap my mind around how this happened. Thank you so much for hearing me out. I have faith that God will bring healing into my life and I have that faith for you all, as well.