
Had my mvd 6 weeks ago and have been recovering well but having many headaches daily. Just dropped my dose of lyrica down 5 or 6 days ago and my face pain is back. Is this normal, could it be nerve damage that will repair over time, or could it be that I’ve just done too much?

Aminda, on this one I think we have to reflect you back to the office of the physician who did your MVD surgery. Call them and talk about staying on medication for a while, please.

One thing that TN patients tend to throw out the window is the idea of "normal". There is a terriffic spread in outcomes for individual patients following MVD. Some have no face pain at all from the first time they wake up after surgery. Some (a smaller number) have no improvement of pain, or even a worsening from day one after MVD. I've heard of people in whom face pain returned a few weeks after MVD and then faded out again. But this isn't common, at least not in my experience with about 3,000 patients over 16 years.

Regards, Red

I'm so sorry this has happened... I too had my MVD 6 weeks ago -- and have had a handful of "phantom pains" that scared me, I know in my heart of hearts--- that even though my pain is gone and meds are gone -- this is a disease for life --- I could have to have another MVD in 5 months or 10 years!

Let us know what your dr. office says!

Kimberly in KC