MVD surgery

8 days post-op from MVD surgery. Turns out I had 3 blood vessels compressing the trigeminal nerve. As well as scar tissue and lesions on the nerve probably due to years of having those blood vessels do their horrible work on my poor defenseless nerve! I am recovering very nicely - still have a little trigeminal pain. Doc says that is to be expected for a while. Looking forward to being completely pain free soon! I recommend the surgery.

Hi Tina, I’m so glad you had good results with your MVD. I had the surgery two years ago with no good results. It makes me so happy to hear it helped you!!! no one deserves to live with this much pain. Congrats…hope you continue to feel better.

Juanita _ im sorry the procedure did not work for you. I am just about two weeks out and still have some TN pain hoeful will all subside soon. Did you have vessels compressing your nerve?