MVD Surgery

Hello, I have been diagnosed with GPN. I am having surgery on Sept. 11 can anyone please talk to me about what to expect after surgery (patient's view point). How was your out come after surgery? Please help. Bug

Although i did not have MVD (i had neurotomy where they just cut the nerve), my real only problem was waiting for the headaches to subside. i was a little sore and tired, but that is just major surgery. only in hospital for 3 days and 2 nights. Headaches were not that severe, but definitely were worse then usual. Took about 3-4 weeks to finally get rid of them. Took hydrocodone for about a week and half, then switched over to Aleve. Just had surgery a month ago. hope surgery goes well, and good luck.

Thanks for the information the headaches seem to be up there with the muscle pain after surgery. I figure that the headaches can’t beat the debilitating pain that I have had to deal with for the past year. I was also told by my surgeon that my PICA? is very enlarged plus my brain stem is twisting. He said he can’t fix the brain stem problem but can fix the enlarged PICA.

I have asked about the surgery and my doctor’s are hesitant to do it. I go back to the neuro surgeon on the 8th. My neurologist told me that they try to correct the nerualgia without surgery at first because it cost anywhere between 50K and 100K. I could not believe it. My insurance would cover it. I also heard that it is treated as out-patient usually. Go aback to work the next day! I am so ready to have this corrected. It is the worst pain and it never goes away. Only with pain medicine. Good Luck to you. Please let us know how it went.

Wow, Denise I have been through all of the drugs with no luck. When I spoke with my neruo surgeon he explained that the surgery is 3-4 hours, 3-4 days in ICU, 2 days in regular room. How did your doctor come up with day surgery? I week of being home with someone with me 24/7, and regular visits to his office up to 6wks post op. I will let everyone know how my surgery goes.

I may be mistaken about the recovery time. The surgery that I am referring to is cutting the nerve, not MVD. I'm sorry , I got a little confused. Good Luck with surgery. I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers.

I know it’s been a few days and you are still in the hospital but I want you to know that I have been praying for you. I pray that you have a speedy recovery and that you will be pain free soon.