I am 20 days post-op and my TN pain is almost completely gone except a few random zaps here and there and a little random pain. (yay) But, my incision site still feels like someone stabs it with a knife sometimes and I am getting these headaches that feel like the top of my head is going to burst. It almost reminds me of the worst hangover headache ever. (I haven't drank in years, but from what I remember so that might not even be accurate.)
So here is the thing. It gets better when I lay down for a while and gets worse as I am up and about. It got so bad I ended up in the ER over the weekend and the CT showed no CSF leak. I am not running a fever so they just gave me more steroids told me to drink as much caffeine as possible and sent me home. I talked to the nurse at my surgeon's office today and she said its really strange and she has never heard of anyone having the headaches without the leak. She said continue drinking lots of caffeine and taking the steroids and she moved my post op appt to this Thursday instead of next Thursday.
I am kinda freaking out. I am not usually someone who complains about my pain. I kinda got used to being in pain over the last several years... but this HURTS. I feel like no one is taking me seriously because there is no leak and I don't have a fever. I am used to people not believing I am in pain... it comes with the disease but my head was just cut open and something isn't right...
Has anyone else had these headaches? Am I over reacting? I am on a lot of steroids (and caffeine right now) which could be making me over react... I just don't know what to think or do right now and no one will tell me anything other then take the steroids and drink caffeine which on day 3 of that, I'll tell you its not helping much and surely it can't be good for me...
Thank you in advance for any advice...