TN Complications

So, for the pat 2 days I have had horrible pain to the point of having to go to the ER for relief followed up by a follow-up with the surgeon who performed my MVD. He's very concerned with the complications I'm experiancing (Sharp, electrical sensations followed by a burning sensation to the point where I can hardly touch anything on that side. Even wanted to shave my head because the slightest movement of hair caused pain.). He wants me to redo a bloodtest to restest for somesort of inflammatory artery disease to make sure that is not the initial cause of my TN. I had this test prior to surgery, but he just wants to make sure. If it again comes out negative, then I very well may be having either ballon compression, a second MVD or just sever the nerve completely because of the amount of suffering I am enduring. I understand the complications with cutting the nerve, but I'm at that point where I'd do anything to resolve this. Thankfully, I'm getting back on disability so my boss won't fire me - Because my job is threatened from this. Oiy!

Hi Katie, I too have just recently had an MVD (#2). I also have had complications....thank goodness mine haven't been pain related. I had a CSF leak....I've read about them, and knew it was a risk, but I thought that just happens to "other" people, not ME!!! As scary and serious as my CSF leak has been (I had to be rushed back for another brain surgery)....I truly am glad it wasn't a 'pain" issue. I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this pain. I think we all go into surgery (MVD) thinking YES, this is the answer to this hell I'm in....all will be great on the other side. For me, that was the case after my first MVD, absolutely NO PAIN or complications! It lasted for 1 1/2 yrs. Pain came back, but I was more than ready to get another MVD since my first one was so successful. Hopefully your issue will calm down once the nerve and surrounding tissue heal. I'll be praying for relief now and in the future for you. Just know you are NOT alone! This site and the TNA site has truly helped me on this TN journey. Just knowing there are others who can actually feel your pain and know what you're going through helps me. Best wishes and hugs!!!