MVD and miracles

It has been 6 weeks, and I can report that MVD has saved my life. I feel alive again, quickly booking up as a speaker and support; just as I was meant to do. No more PAIN> if you would like to see a cllip of the surgery, or learn more about my experience in order to help you understand your experience please go to I would be thrilled to hear your story, to speak to your group or organization or just to listen because we all know this is a lonely condition.

To all TN patients, take care of you; and if that is to difficult reach out for some caring friends here at the TN site.

Thanks for coming back and sharing your good news TN story with us Sarah. It helps so much to know that one person has beaten the demon and that more of us may in the future. Take care. :slight_smile:

Thank you Jackie Emma and Anita,

I truly am living a new life, pain free. You can actually see the MVD procedure on my website. Yes the surgery itself so if you have a strong stomach have a look. It makes perfect sense to me know that I see it. If a vessel is pressing on a nerve, providing a cusion can eliviate the pain. For anyone you know thinking about this surgery, or going through it please let me know, I would be happy to be a support. That was the one piece I was missing, I didn't have anyone to talk to walking me through the pre and post surgery. I hope I can be that support for others now. If you want to see the surgery go to

And again, thank you so much for your kind words.

How are all of you doing? My prayers and thoughts are for you and finding your miracle.