I had my MVA in February and was not a success. Very minor impovement. I still need opiods for pain. So, I am having a pain pump implanted in 2 weeks. I am hoping for better relief. I not functioning well on drugs
Aw Missy, I’m so sorry to read you’re still in much pain…I’m a little shocked though that after a relatively short time of recuperation from MVD that your having the pain pump implanted…what meds are you on? I hope you find relief soon, (( hugs)) Mimi
I tried Tegretol and several others with poor results. I couldn't have the MVD surgery fastest enough after 4 years of being misdiagnosed. Everything from deviated septum to allergies, sinus infection, mental problems and they just didn't know. I have seen about 20 different drs. I was also in a car accident years ago with my neck hurting on the same side as the TN. I have hurt for so long, lost friends and family in the process because I am no fun anymore. Thought I had finally found the answer in the MVD. When it didn't work, I was completely devastated. Neurosurgeon recommended the pain pump and I agreed. The dilaudid isn't working much anymore. I take Lorazapam and spent most of my time in bed anymore. The quality of my life is extremely poor. I feel like I am just waiting to die. I even reread details of my life insurance policy. But, instead I am going to keep trying to beat this bastard.
Beat the bastard!!