
I am on several different pain medications abd have been for several years but my nuero heard that methadone is great for neuropathy so she put me on it twice a day…is anyone on it? Has anyone heard anything about it or considered it as a treatment option? I am up for anything that will help me but am concerned that is not going to help and is just going to become a problem for me later due to the fact the people become addicted to pain meds and I don’t need to have an addiction problem on top of my illness. I just wanted to hear what anyone else thought and if anyone has had experience with it. Thanks! I hope everyone is feeling great :slight_smile:

Thanks Sarah I appreciate the advice and how some many of us can relate to one another about so many different meds, surgeries, and treatments…makes the feelings of loneliness and whatnot ease up a bit! Did it ever offer any help for you or was it just a waste? Thanks…are you still on it? If not, how was the process of getting off of it, did you have any withdrawal affects or anythign of the sort?

a friend of mine has fybromalgia or however its spelled and her retarded doctor prescribed her to methadone…it took her a year in rehab to detox after she finally decided to stop using it because it stopped helping her pain but she still had to have it or couldnt function… its an awful drug to detox from you can literally die from withdrawals if you use it for a long time…albeit it tends to be a smaller problem than people addicted to oxycontin but that is just because methodone is not prescribed for long lengths of time unless there is no other option…because of the chemical addiction making it one of the hardest drugs to break an addiction from. Honestly most doctors would tell you to smoke cannibis before resorting to regular methodone shots or prescriptions.

If your pain is as bad as you say it is ask your doctor if it is possible to have a demoral shot into ur spine whenever u have a severe attack it should keep u pain free for 3-8days