Hello, all.
First of all, I realize, that anything expressed in the group is opinion, not to be taken as medical counsel.
Ok. I have been a bit down lately about being what I feel like is a "slave" to pain meds, but they are the only thing which has ever brought me ANY relief, to speak of since 2009, from ever-increasing Type II TN symptoms.
Well, I thought Methadone would be different, but it has left me feeling more psychologically broken and symptomatic than any drug ever has. I truly feel that I am it's slave. If I don't take it, I'll suffer withdrawals. If I do take it, I must do so in rapid doses in the morning (one hour apart), sleeping little intervals in between to feel it's benefits. If I spread the doses out, it seems to do hardly any good for me. Of course, one can do that with Methadone, because the blood/serum levels remain more steady than with any other opiates, which is why it's "supposed" to be so good for "neurological" pain. Well, it was, at first . . .in fact, GREAT, THE BEST STUFF I'VE EVER TAKEN FOR THIS I WAS FREE . . ASYMPTOMATIC. Now, towards the end of the day, if I don't take any Methadone (and I can't unless I break rules), I feel like my gums have been ripped off, tongue and the insides of cheeks scraped with razors, every tooth throbs, and OH , , the vice grip pressure around my temple to just below my cheekbones. It's real torture. I don't speak much anymore, unless I have to, as I have begun having Type I style almost-like attacks. My condition has gotten SO MUCH WORSE since I've been taking this medicine.
I get 100 Roxicodone at the beginning of the month for breakthrough pain, PRN (use as needed). While they last, they work wonderfully with the Methadone, but there simply aren't enough to cover ALL of my breakthrough pain. So, at the end of the month, my family knows I will be quiet, suffering lady (and that's becoming very old to them). Just watching me has become torturous to them, (but that's probably a subject for another group).
So, no cure for ATN, and I've never felt like a slave to a medicine any more than I do right now to Methadone AND it's no longer taking care of the pain.
I can't think of any alternatives, you all! Trust me, I've tried A LOT, acupuncture, chiropractors, meds, meds and more meds, PT, heck, even psychotherapy (aww shucks . . . my psychiatrist doesn't believe it's somatiform, I found out, right now, I'd love to find out that THIS WAS!!!). One I haven't tried, yet, is the extended release version of Oxycodone called OxyContin.
Has anyone tried it? Better yet, has anyone made the switch from Methadone to OxyContin?
I used to be more calm and collected. Those who know me here know that. Lately, ahh . . .this pain is off the hook, and as a result, well . . . .I guess that's a subject for another group too.
Can anyone weigh in on this? Ideas? Thoughts? Help?
All the best, as always and with big e-hugs to my friends here,
Stef :*-(