Methadone? Oxycontin? Which is less harmful? Better for pain?

Hello, all.

First of all, I realize, that anything expressed in the group is opinion, not to be taken as medical counsel.

Ok. I have been a bit down lately about being what I feel like is a "slave" to pain meds, but they are the only thing which has ever brought me ANY relief, to speak of since 2009, from ever-increasing Type II TN symptoms.

Well, I thought Methadone would be different, but it has left me feeling more psychologically broken and symptomatic than any drug ever has. I truly feel that I am it's slave. If I don't take it, I'll suffer withdrawals. If I do take it, I must do so in rapid doses in the morning (one hour apart), sleeping little intervals in between to feel it's benefits. If I spread the doses out, it seems to do hardly any good for me. Of course, one can do that with Methadone, because the blood/serum levels remain more steady than with any other opiates, which is why it's "supposed" to be so good for "neurological" pain. Well, it was, at first . . .in fact, GREAT, THE BEST STUFF I'VE EVER TAKEN FOR THIS I WAS FREE . . ASYMPTOMATIC. Now, towards the end of the day, if I don't take any Methadone (and I can't unless I break rules), I feel like my gums have been ripped off, tongue and the insides of cheeks scraped with razors, every tooth throbs, and OH , , the vice grip pressure around my temple to just below my cheekbones. It's real torture. I don't speak much anymore, unless I have to, as I have begun having Type I style almost-like attacks. My condition has gotten SO MUCH WORSE since I've been taking this medicine.

I get 100 Roxicodone at the beginning of the month for breakthrough pain, PRN (use as needed). While they last, they work wonderfully with the Methadone, but there simply aren't enough to cover ALL of my breakthrough pain. So, at the end of the month, my family knows I will be quiet, suffering lady (and that's becoming very old to them). Just watching me has become torturous to them, (but that's probably a subject for another group).

So, no cure for ATN, and I've never felt like a slave to a medicine any more than I do right now to Methadone AND it's no longer taking care of the pain.

I can't think of any alternatives, you all! Trust me, I've tried A LOT, acupuncture, chiropractors, meds, meds and more meds, PT, heck, even psychotherapy (aww shucks . . . my psychiatrist doesn't believe it's somatiform, I found out, right now, I'd love to find out that THIS WAS!!!). One I haven't tried, yet, is the extended release version of Oxycodone called OxyContin.

Has anyone tried it? Better yet, has anyone made the switch from Methadone to OxyContin?

I used to be more calm and collected. Those who know me here know that. Lately, ahh . . .this pain is off the hook, and as a result, well . . . .I guess that's a subject for another group too.

Can anyone weigh in on this? Ideas? Thoughts? Help?

All the best, as always and with big e-hugs to my friends here,

Stef :*-(

jesus stef,

That pain in the afternoon with the razor blades and the likes sounds horrific, sorry to hear you are in so much pain ! It really made me feel sad.

I have had nothing to do with methadone so far, but I have been on oxycontin for about 8 months. I take it on top of my daily routine of paracetamol, gabapentin, and verapamil. I dont know if its going to be strong enough for you but you can take it in stronger amounts. Its a slow release opiate that you take once every 12 hrs, so I take 40mg as soon as I wake up and then another 40mg after dinner. I have oxycodone for breakthrough pain. Verapamil doesnt really help my ATN at all but it helps that vice grip pain around the temples so I take it for that. It is actually a heart medication which has been known to help deep migraine so a neurologist tried me on it a year or so ago, in addition to my other meds. Anyways it really helped with my temple pain and as a bonus my heart stays nice and healthy haha :-)

I think its worth you trying oxycontin if your oxycodone is working for your breakthrough pain. What You have to remember though is that its a slow release medication, so you can't just take them every few hours. Your methadone situation does not seem healthy at all, physically and psychologically.

I dont think my ATN is as bad as yours yet, but how do we compare something that cant be measured. Oxycontin basically gave me my drive back, I can manage myself so much better on it. My life is no parade though... I dont leave the house as much as I used to because for the last 2-3 years intense concentration(reading or being in busy places like the mall) has been a trigger for worse pain in my face and head. So I have to decide each day what I will focus my brain power on... It might be reading some photography tutorials, or painting in the studio, or doing some research for my website. But then I have to do everything else for the rest of the day in cruise mode. Exercise helps though which I basically do everyday now, I alternate between swimming 1km one day and running and a weights program the other day. I would recommend you trying an exercise program stef, it really does help with pain.

Basically im saying, try it ! It made a hell of a difference for me... the only down side for me is the constipation, but I have metamucil and eat seeded fruits like apricots and prunes.

your friend luke

Hi Stef, I started on Oxycontin in June but alone it didn't work. I had hip surgery in October and they put me on Oxycodone and the 2 brings my pain down to about a 4. About 4 wks ago they wanted to try Nucenta & it was horrible. I started alternating the Oxys with the Nucenta and just this Monday got back on the Oxys alone. The Nucenta did absolutely nothing for me. I will have another f/up in about 3 wks & believe I will get her to lower the Oxycontin because I've noticed after 3.5 hrs if I don't take the Oxycodone 15mg that bug crawling, cold temp, leaking, pain and the tastes etc all increases & then it's harder to get back down to even a 6. I live 24/7 with tri neuropathy due to dental trauma. I think they need to have me on 20 Oxycontin w/20 mg Oxycodone. I may suggest Exalpro since I found out my ins covers it which someone else recommended. No amytrips work for me. I have neurological jerking along with locking of the jaw on those types of meds. I'm coming off Cymbalta which is extremely difficult & it makes me sick every few days. This is not intended for medical advice but just to let you know what they are now trying since I'm chemical sensitive. I did mention Methodone & the drs said no but I don't know why. I also take Neurontin 800 which was lowered now due to stomach problems from it & also started on Baclofen again this week.

Hey stef,

good luck at your appointment today. Im praying that you are able to come to a conclusion with your pain management Dr. Im off to see a Feldenkrais Dr... May as well try everything right !


Again, so sorry to hear that you're suffering. I took Oxycontin for 1 or so. For me, it wasn't a good match. I found that I had a lot of nightmares with it. Not just nightmares, but more like waking up screaming and crying night terrors. It worked for pain for a while and then eventually I had to keep increasing my dose. The only other side effects that I had with Oxycontin were constipation (still have that on MS Contin) and feeling "up" for about an hour after a dose. However, I got used to the "up" feeling after about a month after a dose increase. MS Contin has been the best match for me, but I also remember that it was not for you. Also, I had no problems moving between Oxycontin and MS Contin, if that is at all helpful. As to withdrawals, I had none unless I missed a dose or went beyond 14 hours without taking it.

That said, I don't believe that one med works for one person and not another and I certainly don't want to sound discouraging, just being honest about my experience. I was fortunate to have a doctor at the time who was willing to step outside of the dosing schedule box and prescribed Oxycontin 3 times per day instead of the standard twice per day (every 12 hours). I took it every 6-8 hrs, similar to the dosing for Oxycodone. Before I made the switch to MS Contin I was taking 20 mg. Oxycontin every 6-8 hours and took Oxycodone for break-through (still use Oxycodone for break-through).

I wish you the best of luck on finding a med that works for you.


Thank you for your thoughts here.

Yes, I want to try OxyContin. I think that drug rotation is good, for some. If it doesn't work, maybe they will just put me right back on Methadone, and I'll be none worse for at least trying.

Hats off to your doctor for stepping outside the box.

Secondly, MS Contin worked for awhile, for me. But, it had more side-effects, more constipation, for me, and eventually, it stopped working. I had to move to Methadone. Now that Methadone has run it's course, maybe it's time to rotate to OxyContin.

To this day, nothing works as well for me as 30 mg. of Oxycodone without APAP, in other words Roxicodone, if used in conjunction with ANY round-the-clock med. It didn't do great all by itself, but it certainly does the job when combined with something behind it. No pain, sometimes, for 2-3 hours! Oh, it's so nice. But, like with most people, I'm just not prescribed enough to get out of pain, most of the time.

Oh, I'm supposed to see my old Pain Management Nurse at her new practice soon. I'm one of her favorite patients. She has been speaking with me via telephone for about three weeks now. She has been on a leave from work due to her own illness. But, she's coming back and will get me an appointment, hopefully. She'll let me try OxyContin. I wish I knew an equianalgesic (sp?) of OxyContin vs. Methadone.

I'm glad that MS Contin is providing you some relief!



Johanna Smith said:

Again, so sorry to hear that you're suffering. I took Oxycontin for 1 or so. For me, it wasn't a good match. I found that I had a lot of nightmares with it. Not just nightmares, but more like waking up screaming and crying night terrors. It worked for pain for a while and then eventually I had to keep increasing my dose. The only other side effects that I had with Oxycontin were constipation (still have that on MS Contin) and feeling "up" for about an hour after a dose. However, I got used to the "up" feeling after about a month after a dose increase. MS Contin has been the best match for me, but I also remember that it was not for you. Also, I had no problems moving between Oxycontin and MS Contin, if that is at all helpful. As to withdrawals, I had none unless I missed a dose or went beyond 14 hours without taking it.

That said, I don't believe that one med works for one person and not another and I certainly don't want to sound discouraging, just being honest about my experience. I was fortunate to have a doctor at the time who was willing to step outside of the dosing schedule box and prescribed Oxycontin 3 times per day instead of the standard twice per day (every 12 hours). I took it every 6-8 hrs, similar to the dosing for Oxycodone. Before I made the switch to MS Contin I was taking 20 mg. Oxycontin every 6-8 hours and took Oxycodone for break-through (still use Oxycodone for break-through).

I wish you the best of luck on finding a med that works for you.

Thanks, Luke.

It went ok, I guess. I thank you for the prayers! They help. He did up me one Roxicodone for EVERY day of the month. He was only giving me 4 doses for 10 days per month. Now, I have four doses for every day of the month.

I appreciate you very much.

Who is this doctor you are seeing?

Luke said:

Hey stef,

good luck at your appointment today. Im praying that you are able to come to a conclusion with your pain management Dr. Im off to see a Feldenkrais Dr... May as well try everything right !


Hi Stef,

I just switched off the methadone to the OxyContin today, as I am alleric to the methadone

its has made me break out and swell up... no fun.... So far so good with the pain.. my dr has me on 30 mg Twice a day....... I'm also taking 3 300mg of gabapentin 3 times a day... awwww lol I know the feeling sooooo many meds... but if it wasn't for the meds, I for one would not be able to funtcion or want to be here....

Hi Stef,

They started me Exalgo 32mg every 24 hrs & hydromorphone for breakthrough every 6 hrs. I also take 600 gabapentin 3 X a day & baclofen every night. I have lots of leakage & lots of pain still so I go for another evaluation on the 9th to an Endo since the root of a tooth is pressing into the nerve in the V3 area. They want me to go back to the Mayo but I know they already want to try a stimulator which I don't want something like that right now. I have constant headaches & dizziness also. They also have me on suppositories for the vomiting & nausea which isn't working too well. I'm chemical sensitive. They just don't know what else to do with me they said. It's very hard to keep working feeling like this. I still CANNOT find a doctor in Denver that knows what to do & have been to so many in different fields. The dentist said there is a medication that will be coming out & I am 1st on her list to try it for this type of dental nerve damage. They refuse to try methadone. Fentnayl patch was tried but they had trouble balancing it with the other meds so I will try that again in about 2 mos if they don't come up with something else soon. I'm very tempted to try MMJ since I live in Denver. Someone suggested that to me.


I'd run far away from methadone. It is a terrible drug. I know. I used to take it and I got extremely addicted.

Ween off that crap and try MS Contin. It saved my life.

Best Regards,


Hi Stef,

Your pain sounds awful.I'm so happy to have found this group. I understand what you're going through with the methadone. I take it too. For the past 20 years I've had pain in my face. Years ago my doctor said it was atypical facial pain and then this summer a neurologist said it's definitely trigeminal neuralgia, but she didn't say type I or type II. I basically have terrible pain around my sinus area under my left eye all the time. For years I thought it was my sinuses. I had two sinus operations that didn't help.

I switced off between percocet and norco for the past 15 years and it helped the pain, which never actually went away, but it wasn't unbearable. Then about a year ago, my wife, who also suffers from terrible pain, suggested that I try methadone. We both go to a pain management doctor. She said to the doctor that she thought methadone would help me and he agreed. So, he started me on 10 mg of methadone three times a day, then several months later he made it four times a day and it was incredible. He kept me on the percocet and usuallybefore the methadone I would take 1 1/2 percocet every three hours. With the methadone I was taking one every four or five hours.

Plus a different doctor had prescribed a ketamine/lidocaine spray for when I was having particularly bad pain in my face, to spray up my nose. Suddenly, I was virtually pain free most of the time. Somewhere along the line, my PM doctor decided I'd be better off on oxycodone without the tylenol so instead of the 10 mg percocet he started giving me 15 mg oxycodone. I had been taking 1 1/2 percpcet for a while, but I had gone back to taking only one with the methadone. When he changed me from the percocet to the oxycodone, instead of taking 40 mg a day, it went up to 60 mg. I know people take a lot more than that, but it was a significant jump and it wasn't due to more pain. It was because he was afraid that the percocet, after 15 years, would mess up my liver. So, I take 1 methadone and one oxycodone together four times a day and although it helps the pain so much, I feel like I'm taking too much pain medication. I'm kind of sorry I ever started with the methadone. It makes me tired a lot of the time and I did ok without it for 15 years. Two weeks ago I decided to cut it down a little. I went back to 30 mg, cutting out the last two half doses. I guess I will stay with that. I'm afraid to cut it down more. I function fine on the medication. I work full time. I never feel high--sometimes I feel a little foggy and often tired. Well, that's my opiate history.

I would say I you feel better, but I guess that's silly. Thanks for the great group,
