Magnetic devices Pain Shield

Hello, I have seen & heard of these magnetic pillows etc. I have not tried them, so I don’t know if they work. As you would already know, TN goes in to remmision. Yes I have also, waited, to see a specialist & then when the day comes, my pain is gone! Any way, there is a shop. I’m not sure if it is in Melbourne or Brisbane? But the name is ‘Dick Wicks Magnetic Products.’ it’s prob on the net? Any way, I think if you find something that works for you, that great! Every one is different. I actually sleep with healing crystals under my pillow. My neighbor gave them to me when I had my first MVD. Kind regards Sally

I went forward, and tried the PainShield device (via the rental option). For me it made no change.

Hi Sally,

While checking out on magnets for my wife's headaches I came across this website which I had forgotton I had subscribed to. trigeminal pain still hasn't returned. It's amazing when I think over 2 years ago it was so bad I had resigned myself to surgery. I kept Tegretol as low as possible and only took it when the pain got really bad. Eventually I was down to a quarter of a tablet and now, for the past 9 months nothing, and there's no pain. Whatever people may think I still sleep with a magnetic pillow. and take no medication. It may be rubbish, bit like religion, but if it works? Let's hope I'm not tempting fate.

Sally said:

Hello, I have seen & heard of these magnetic pillows etc. I have not tried them, so I don't know if they work. As you would already know, TN goes in to remmision. Yes I have also, waited, to see a specialist & then when the day comes, my pain is gone! Any way, there is a shop. I'm not sure if it is in Melbourne or Brisbane? But the name is 'Dick Wicks Magnetic Products.' it's prob on the net? Any way, I think if you find something that works for you, that great! Every one is different. I actually sleep with healing crystals under my pillow. My neighbor gave them to me when I had my first MVD. Kind regards Sally

Hi I am from Israel, it's a shame I saw this thread just now.... I can say I tried Dr Adahan device it's an ultrasound device. Because my pain is constant 24/7 burning (TNP) I should have not tried it. But i can say for 100%, the person I consulted with was a doctor working with pain clinic in the hospital Shiba Tel Ashomer in Israel. I know they conducted a study phase III last year or two years before, i just don't remmber the exact time, and the population is TN 1 the classic type. So if they are still in the phase of conducting studies you can understand it is still not decided how much it helps if at all, but it is in respected hospital, a real attempt

I have just been researching the pain shield and I was comparing to the TENS units.

Apparently the TENS units dont work on TN. I researched the Doctors who recommend the Pain SHield and I was pleased to find out one of them STudied at McGill university in Canada.The Doctors all come with high credentials.

I recenctly had a neuropathy treatment plan for my TN and guess what the cost was for 5 weeks? $4200.

Compared to the $600 for the pain shield( I contacted them directly and there is a discounted price of $600) its worth the try.

My plan cosisted of UV nerve regeneration treatments, vibration technology and neuromuscular stimulation.

SInce TN has a remission phase it will be difficult to know if any treatment work over a short period of time.

The minimum time should be at least one year.

In my case over the last 20 years one of my remissions lasted 9 months.

Good luck to all of you and if the PAin SHield works let me know. I plan to buy the unit and I will do likewise.

Bset Regards.