Lupus and tn connection

Thank goodness it wasn't too hard to find tons of material about the connection between lupus and TN.

Lupus and TN connection
I googled lupus and cranial nerves
These mention cranial (head) nerves and lupus

Dozens of pages of articles that discuss lupus and cranial nerve damage
I googled "Lupus and TN"
Here's a facebook group dedicated to it:
This article states lupus can cause TN
If you google "Lupus and 5th cranial nerve"
There is also a lot of information.
I googled "lupus and nerve damage", because lupus can damage any nerves and tissues in the body.

  • Involvement of the cranial nerves can cause:
    • visual disturbances
    • facial pain
    • drooping of the eyelid(s)
    • ringing in the ear(s)
    • dizziness.
When I opened each one, I got my toolbar to highlight whatever word I wanted, like trigeminal, cranial, or whatever, so I could see it more easily. Hope that helps.
Best wishes, Sheila

I just googled Autism and TN and sure enough there is a familiar connection there too.

Wow Judy, I would not have even thought of those 2 as being connected!

Judy D’Arcy-Evans said:

I just googled Autism and TN and sure enough there is a familiar connection there too.

Sheila, that totally helps when doing research. I do it too. Also you can do a search (control F) of the page. I have lupus and TN too, and I am convinced it is from blood vessel inflammation in my cranial nerves. I also have had "burning mouth syndrome", also from cranial nerves, distortions of taste and smells periodically (usually lasts for months at a time), Bells Palsy twice and headaches. I'm prone to vasculitis and have a history of peripheral nerve problems, which has been worsening since my dx of lupus a few years ago.

That's a little too coincidental for me! I'm going to play around at these groups and start a lupus and TN group here. Already I know of about a dozen lupies who have this problem. Also not a coincidence.

Love Julie

thank you sheila for this great information. i was diagnosed with lupus many years ago and have not had

many problems until recently with severe face pain. saw the lupus doctor recently and she is also sending me to a

neurologist soon. just wanted to say thanks for the web sites, it helps me understand what i am dealing with. lisa

I also have Lupus, Trigeminal Neuralgia and Burning mouth syndrome....thank you for sharing, I would love to be in a group and appreciate all of your links. Susan

jujubeee said:

Sheila, that totally helps when doing research. I do it too. Also you can do a search (control F) of the page. I have lupus and TN too, and I am convinced it is from blood vessel inflammation in my cranial nerves. I also have had "burning mouth syndrome", also from cranial nerves, distortions of taste and smells periodically (usually lasts for months at a time), Bells Palsy twice and headaches. I'm prone to vasculitis and have a history of peripheral nerve problems, which has been worsening since my dx of lupus a few years ago.

That's a little too coincidental for me! I'm going to play around at these groups and start a lupus and TN group here. Already I know of about a dozen lupies who have this problem. Also not a coincidence.

Love Julie