When I opened each one, I got my toolbar to highlight whatever word I wanted, like trigeminal, cranial, or whatever, so I could see it more easily. Hope that helps.
Sheila, that totally helps when doing research. I do it too. Also you can do a search (control F) of the page. I have lupus and TN too, and I am convinced it is from blood vessel inflammation in my cranial nerves. I also have had "burning mouth syndrome", also from cranial nerves, distortions of taste and smells periodically (usually lasts for months at a time), Bells Palsy twice and headaches. I'm prone to vasculitis and have a history of peripheral nerve problems, which has been worsening since my dx of lupus a few years ago.
That's a little too coincidental for me! I'm going to play around at these groups and start a lupus and TN group here. Already I know of about a dozen lupies who have this problem. Also not a coincidence.
I also have Lupus, Trigeminal Neuralgia and Burning mouth syndrome....thank you for sharing, I would love to be in a group and appreciate all of your links. Susan
jujubeee said:
Sheila, that totally helps when doing research. I do it too. Also you can do a search (control F) of the page. I have lupus and TN too, and I am convinced it is from blood vessel inflammation in my cranial nerves. I also have had "burning mouth syndrome", also from cranial nerves, distortions of taste and smells periodically (usually lasts for months at a time), Bells Palsy twice and headaches. I'm prone to vasculitis and have a history of peripheral nerve problems, which has been worsening since my dx of lupus a few years ago.
That's a little too coincidental for me! I'm going to play around at these groups and start a lupus and TN group here. Already I know of about a dozen lupies who have this problem. Also not a coincidence.