Ihave peremenat damge to my tmj and and facial nerve 5th and 6th and 7th cranial nerve…i have to take opiods only to take away the pain …my jaw is tmj capsulitis and then hemicranial spasms and trigeminal nueralgia…can anyone help me and atypical facial pain …face broken 1995 …right now only medication that work and for past 11 years are 90 g ms contin a day and 5 mg diazam 2 to 3 times a day …anyone able to help me on this more or if you know please let me know …jaw broken and wired when i was 15 years old and mewtal plate in right cheek bone from 4 fractures in cheek bone and then eyes socket broken in 4 spots and ndose in 3 spots …facial pain association feels it is due to the nerves being permanetly damaged and now when they shift causes pain and dr thinks joint may be arthritic from the trauama any information or insight can help …cedars sinai want me to go to michigan head pain and nuerological institute…but many insurance hoops to jump thru and still get right care…been being passed around a lot by drs and got a 2 week bridge scrip tuntil reffered to right in patient place to handle diagnosis better…because after my pain management poeple here i had for 3 years said they mainly treat back pain and knee pain and even tho they wrote script for 3 years tell me now since opiod epidemic they discharge me cause i need md that treats facial pain and none are inmy network …i saw facial pain dds at cedars sinsai and one in bay area in 2010 and they are trying to get me an md who can treat facial pain but none are in my insurance network…any guidance or support would be highly apreciated