Those of us living with TN live, suffer and have to deal with horrendous PAIN.
We miss days, weeks, months of work, sometimes having to lose the ability to commit to work altogether.
We miss the ability to do and be all that we were before TN entered our lives.
We initially make plans as always, volunteer work, activities with our kids, families, dates with our friends, only to soon realize we can’t make plans at all as the fear or pain of TN can rear its ugly head at any time.
We let people down. ( at least that’s how it feels)
We Are overwhelmed by the pain.
We are frustrated with our care by doctors, specialists.
We take heavy duty meds that take time to work, during which we’re drowsy, grumpy, not feeling ourselves.
Each relapse of pain has us going through this several times until pain control is reached. ( or not )
These meds cause all sorts of side effects, make us loopy, forgetful, unable to remember normal words during a conversation, we feel stupid, embarrassed.
Then we feel guilt for having to rely on others, spouse, parent, child, friend, family to do what we can no longer do for ourselves.
Sometimes we lose our sense of who we are other than TN sufferer…
Our close family & friends feel helpless and wish they could do more…
Ours for the most part is an invisible disease, and not well known. Sometimes we can feel like we are constantly explaining to others, we don’t “look” sick, so we feel like people around us think we’re making it up.
We feel lonely, isolated.
We try our best.
We research, join support groups, journal, Pray, meditate, seek alternative therapies and we hope…we lose hope, and we hope.
We hurt, our face hurts and our hearts hurt.
Those of us lucky enough to have successful procedures OR long term remissions KNOW what it’s like to live again, we are appreciative of the days that allow us to function once again!
Always though, there is that fear that it will come back…
TN hurts beyond our imagination’s capabilities to accurately describe it.
Emotionally the side effects are many.
Last night my 14 yr old daughter crawled into my lap like when she was little, arms around my neck, sobbing, she was worried and sad for me, feeling helpless and said she misses the Mom I used to be.....She misses my fun loving, social, laughing, HAPPY self.
My heart stopped for a minute.
I mean,I knew this past year had been incredibly hard, I've lost a sense of who I am, I don't recognize Me anymore.
And I know it has affected my family.
But I was so sad for my daughter in that moment, and so apologetic.
"mom it's not your fault, don't apologize"
But I do, and sob with her....
You see I am home, we are close and talk all the time.
She wasn't complaining about my parenting skills, she just wants her Mom to be happy again.
My heart broke in that moment.
I try so hard to be positive, I don't vent in front of her, I try to hide my pain and discomfort as much as possible but of course she knows....I'm not fooling anyone apparently.
My daughter needed to voice her fears.
My husband and I spoke with her and encouraged her to keep talking, sharing her feelings with us as well as with her friends.
we reassured her and validated her feelings and just hugged and cried .
I'm devastated,as a parent I feel as though I've somehow failed in a small way, I know, I know....I'm a good parent, I just wish I could have prevented this from affecting my kids as much as it has.
The emotional side effects are many.....
Thanks for listening.....