I am writing to discuss what TN patients like myself can do to minimize feelings of depression after diagnosis is confirmed for TN. I cried like a baby for two days that triggered a bout of terrible pain that made me afraid to cry. So I started writing. That's what I did for a living before this happened and so it comes naturally to me. I wrote out all of my feelings: Anger, Fear, Grief, Disbelief. Why did this happen to me? This went on and on for a few months. And then I hit bottom. No more tears left. I felt numb.
I think I went through a period of tremendous grief. For the loss of my active and productive life before TN. I stopped working because of pain, anxiety and side effects of multiple medications.One morning I sat up in bed thinking, "what now?"
And so I got on with the business of living with TN. I found Ben's Friends and talking with everyone on the Forum has been so helpful. My emotional healing is just beginning. I feel hopeful now for the first time since my diagnosis.
WHAT CAN WE DO TO EASE DEPRESSION after diagnosis? I have found the following self-help measures a life saver for me and I hope for others as well.
JOURNAL: write out your feelings. Fears, hopes, angry feelings...all of it. It may seem silly, but it saved my life! It helped me to see things in a different light and I began to realize that I still possessed so many blessings in my life. I decided to focus on those blessings. Now I have more good days than bad ones.
GET OUT OF THE HOUSE: Even when I didn't want to, I made myself go out into the world, even if it was just to pick up my medicines at the drugstore.Trying to keep some sort of social interaction going helped me to feel more normal and I sometimes could forget about TN at least for a short time.
GET THE RIGHT MEDICINE FOR YOU: Find a neurologist that will work with you to make sure you get the right medicines at the right dosages. Of course this takes time and you will have to have patience, it is a process.
LAUGH AGAIN: No matter how bad things are, when something is really funny, most people can laugh. My mother always believed that laughter is the "best medicine." And it works for me. I Google You Tube Stand Up Comedy and put the volume on low as I lay down to go to sleep for the night. I fall asleep giggling to the comedy routines of Phyllis Diller, Don Rickels, Gabriel Iglesias, Robin Williams, etc. There is some "funny someone" out there for everyone!
What do you do to ease your depression? I would love to talk to you!
Adele :)