Hi Mimi,
I had not looked at all the responses ,I just wrote to Red found that same article on line last nite, it made alot sense once I read. The actual anatomical description of the rotundum and ovale being narrower on the right side explains the right. So this am I dug abit further and found this study on 30 dry adult skulls and what they found was that the mean length of the foramale rotundum was 6.8 mm right side and 6.5 mm on the left foramen ovale was equal in being 5 mm R & L sides. The shape of the openings are either typically oval in 42 sides, almond shaped 9 and 6 were round. So it appears accordingly to this study that the left side was slightly shorter in length. There are so many factors that seem to come into play with a question that seems simple why leftmis so unusual than right. Maybe the alvelar nerve that is part of the V2 branch comes imto play also, maybe is that our brains sag more than others. I just would love to read an article that planly states its unusual because of XY and Z. Thanks Mimi , our heads were in the same article. And by the way you’re getting closer you must be excited. My family thought I was crazy that I had no fear. As much as the feel for us and they do its something no one truely understands unless they have lived this pain. You are going to do great and the best part lf this you are going to be Pain Free! Yeah! Keep us posted and take of yourself, be thinking of you!
My Best
What I want to know is about the people who have it go bilateral. It just seems like we must be missing something there and it has to be more than just a compression by an artery in those cases. I have read articles where it talks about the progression of TN over time and how it can spread from one branch to the others and then to the other side. Is anyone looking into the possibility of an autoimmune or viral connection as well? Who is doing the research on TN and looking for a permanent solution for us?
The ratio is 60% right side to 40% left side. In the article, it clearly states the ratio is 1.5 to 1. While the left side is "more unusual" than the right, if you fill a room with 100 TN sufferers, 40 will have it on the left side.
Exactly Don, not much difference really…
HCal, one group I know of is www.facingfacialpain.org
Also I’m bilateral…started on right, left side kicked in about 4 months later…both went into remission, right side 8 yrs, left side 10 yrs. There are a lot of factors, many different avenues to research as to why we get TN, what causes it, why it can remit etc etc
Tatto20, great minds think alike ; )
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!
((Hugs)) Mimi
Hi Don, although the ratio does not seem substantial there is documented article after article stating that right side is more prevelant than the left side. Also left side is more unusual than the right.I have emailed Red and spurred his curiosity because all that he has read and been documented . There is never seems to be an explanation of why the right side is more effcted than the left. I wait in anticipation to hear the explanation or studies of why. Will keep everyone posted. Thanks
My Best
Don said:
The ratio is 60% right side to 40% left side. In the article, it clearly states the ratio is 1.5 to 1. While the left side is "more unusual" than the right, if you fill a room with 100 TN sufferers, 40 will have it on the left side.