Last shot

So I go to the neurologist tommarow my last shot of finding out whats happening to me my mom cant pay for any more doctors which I understand but also scares me I have been diagnosed with atypical face pain to TN on both sides I know I dont have classic TN because I have pain all the time and no shocking pain really I have had little zaps but they seem to have gone away…im very upset the neurosurgeon I saw wouldnt give me me anti-depressents because the anti-sez meds didnt work on me which makes no sense because I have read on the facial pain association the anti deprsssenta work better for 24-7 pain I just want some part of my life back instead of laying in this stupid bed wondering if the pain is guna be in my teeth or m…y head every hour of every day maybe I have persistant idiopathic …pain because of my anxiety. Maybe its because the dentist messed up my root canal if I even ever really needed one. Maybe its because I was in 6 car accidents amd my head just got so out of whack… literally feel insane tonight and may sound like it but just wanted to write…hopefully this doct will give me a fair shot and listi en to me I have my notes ready and am ready for battle a battle for my life

Good luck tomorrow. Sounds as if you are doing your homework. Be firm,confident, and take charge. And a little politeness helps. Don't worry too much about being a little insane. Who wouldn't be?..Enter the doctor's knowing that thousands of us are right behind you. Kick @#% !!

You probably have more info than you've ever had - use it confidently - and let us know what happens !

((((( jstagrl29))))), deep breaths, positive thoughts, this WILL be the neuro who WILL help you!!


My advice (based on personal experience) let the neurologist lead the conversation at the beginning, refer to your notes only if necessary. BUT make sure you stress the pain crisis you are in, only mention anxiety if you must, but I advise against it. I’ve had doctors/ specialists completely ignore my main concern TN and run with my minor concern restless legs in my case. You need help for your pain, you want to function normally and this constant pain is preventing you from doing this.

You are NOT insane, this pain is affecting every aspect of your life, you just need someone in the medical field to validate and support you. I pray you get that tomorrow!
Thinking of you, good luck sweetie! Mimi xx

Thanku all for your support and kind words! Means alot to have you backing me up I will keep u posted!


I have TN2 and my neurologist prescribed amitryptiline, an anti-depressant for my facial and head pain. I have been taking it for 4 years and in combination with anti seizure meds, seems to help. The anti seizure meds alone don't work as well. I presently take 50mg amitryptiline at night because it does make me sleepy, and 600mg trileptal morning and night. I have also read on many websites that anti-depressants are more effective on TN2.

Hope your appointment goes well.

Anne (Australia)

All the best in your quest. Stay strong, we are behind you.

Praying for good results from this doctor! BIG HUGS!