Just down today

well up to the full dosage of the carbo crap, now I'm like a total zombie, all day i just fight to stay awake fight dizzyness and am useless. I sit on the couch and can barely keep my eyes open while my family are all talking like I'm not even there. yeah I'm not here anymore am i? I'm this shell of the person i use to be is this how my life will always be now?

How long have you been on this? If at full dose for a few (couple?) weeks you are still like this - it's time to do something else

Most people but not all get over that initial zombie stage

I had it with a different drug and didn't give it a chance

But when I switched meds, it got so much better

Hang in there!

You are still you, just you in pain. Don't stop believing in YOU, we haven't. We know it is the pain that causes you to be how you are right now. Throw yourself on the mercy of your Dr, I did. I told him my life was miserable and I was so unhappy because of the pain. He called a specialist and gained help for me within the hour. I hope yours is as compassionate. I am hoping for better for you very soon.

Hang in there Sluggo, give your body time to adjust to the Teg. it is pretty powerful! It has to be!! To fight the monster in our HEADS!!! We're here for you.. Min

I feel for you. Hang in there, you need time to accustom to the med.