Is anyone on pain medications as well as other drugs for tn

the doctor put me on mecizine (for nausea) still on carbomazipine, oxycondone, oxycodione and oxycodine, and baclofen. She lowered baclofen and for the first time in a year I have releif. I still get dizzy but nothing like before when the other doctor gave me enough meds to land me in the hospital with a crash cart in my room. She is going to send me to a real doctor specialist and we will go from there, anyone use this med regiment always to control pain? It's heaven Seriously my heart rate went down to 30 they thought i was going to die he icreased gabapentin 100 xto,es a day and baclofen 20mg three times a day plus my 1600 carbomazepine I haven'[t got an answer if i can sue this asshole I went through hell don't want anyone else to go through that

thank god my primary was there to save me

That sounds like an incredible amount of medication to be on at one time. For me Gabapentin was a death med. After only two pills which were spaced twelve hours apart I was hallucinating and felt like I was dying. I can not imagine how terrible you must have felt. I am on 400 mg slow release Carbamazepine twice a day and 5 mg Bacolfen twice a day. I should be taking more as I still have significant pain zaps but I can not handle the meds. Listen to your body and if you feel it is becoming toxic then lower the doses. Do this with your doctor's approval and support though. Sometimes the doctors grasp at straws when trying to help us and we need to educate them while learning ourselves. Kknowledge is power. All the best