Hello, My name is Rick and I have an irritated GPN of which I'm currently being treated for.
My Neurosurgeon is Dr. Philip Stieg of NY Presbyterian hospital. When I originally saw him 2 months ago I was taking only 1 100mg of Carbamazepine(chewable) daily. He said you seem to have your problem under control with just 1 pill daily. He referred me to Pain Management. Here they injected me with cortisone in the back of the tongue with no relief at all. Then we tried nerve block by way of interventional radiology which is an injection to the neck guided by ct scan.This was done just last week
The nerve block procedure gave me no relief at all. BTW: The pain has worsened and I'm now taking 500 to 600 mg daily. My options are running out as I'm trying to avoid surgery. The pain mgmt Dr. was on vacation and returns tomorrow. I'm being told that accupuncture might be a viable way to go. If that does not work exploratory surgery might be the only option left. I've had mri's taken where there is no visual signs of compression of which I'm being told that might not be the case because you can only see so much from a picture. I had this last year for 3 months or so and it just went away on it's own. The Neuro Surgeon said the same thing. I know it's wishfull thinking but I'm hoping that it just goes away on it's own.