Instead of Burning Man, We Get Burning Tongue!

For the past few days, I have been experiencing electric shocks in my tongue. I just woke up with my entire tongue burning.

I love PubMed for the research that is available, and found a study has been done on this symptom, and that there is a possible fix, which seems entirely too simplistic.

Trigeminal small-fiber sensory neuropathy causes burning mouth syndrome.

"Our study demonstrates that burning mouth syndrome is caused by a trigeminal small-fiber sensory neuropathy and that superficial biopsy of the tongue can be helpful in assessing the diagnosis."
(PubMed, Pain. 2005 Jun;115(3):332-7. Lauria G1, Majorana A, Borgna M, Lombardi R, Penza P, Padovani A, Sapelli P.: 1Immunology and Muscular Pathology Unit, National Neurological Institute Carlo Besta, Via Celoria, 11, 20133 Milan, Italy. )

Has anyone ever heard of, had, or considered small biopsy on the tongue?

I don't know if I want anyone messing with my tongue, and it hasn't gotten so bad that I would even consider it! Still, the article led to more searching.

PubMed Article: Management of burning mouth syndrome

"In detail we report the rewarding outcomes of our clinical experience which consisted in applying topical capsaicin through mouth rinses to most burning mouth patients."
(Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2013 Apr-Jun; 4(Suppl 2): 6–7.
Published online Oct 24, 2013. Management of burning mouth syndrome: a clinical experience
L. Azzi, D. Costantino, L. Tettamanti, A. Tagliabue, and F. Spadari,
Copyright ©2013 CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Rome, Italy)

Brigham and Women's Hospital has a good write up with medications that help. They also include an at-home fix that may or may not work. I will leave you to read the full report, but I'll be buying up the Tabasco Sauce in the grocery store! ;)