IM PREGNANT! Need advice on medication!


be assured the midwife is the trunk of a tree that is your starting point. TELL her your worries, an assessment will take place and she/he will put in place all the other people you need to see. You will go out into the branches as the time and need arises. You will be managed by a team, the midwife is your starting point for worries. As long as you communicate, which I know you will!, she is your best friend for a few months. It has been proven that one to one starting point care with one midwife, where possible, leads to the best outcome for mother and baby. She is just your primary starting block! Run out of cliches now!

Do as Red suggests and ask to be referred as a matter of urgency or it could take a while and you need assurance now. Take care little one. I am excited for you.

Jackie xx

Well, during my booking in/first midwife appointment im going to tell her all about my condition and worried and medication. Im going to explain to her that i really am a very nervous first time mum! Keep getting stabbing pains today which is making me feel worse! My doctor upped my dosage of Folic acid today though which is reassuring!

Deep Breath time, Hon. If you haven't been meditating up to now, it's easy to learn. Besides which, there are many people here on the site who are quite prepared to love you and support you as you go through pregnancy and childbirth -- in addition to your medical team. You can think of us as a sort of extended family, if it helps you find calm and quietude. Both are really handy for knocking down the pain level.

Go in Peace and Power


thanks for that red! I do feel alot better often knowing that everyone here is so helpful, kind and loving :)

Mica, every first time mum is nervous! It is the great unknown. I was elated as I waited a long time to meet my husband. I was 33 when I had my baby. I was happy, excited and a nervous wreck all at the same time! And I did not have TN then! You are spot on with informing your midwife about all your concerns. She needs to know so she can help you. I truly hope you will update us all about the progression of your pregnancy. You have already delighted us all with your fab wedding pics, next it will be new baby pics for us all to coo over. Don't forget my inbox is always open, if you need me. I speak for Red too in saying I know his is likewise. Jackie xx

PS, meditation as Red suggests has helped me with so much in my life and it cannot harm your baby at all, even better!

Greetings Lisa,

I can only talk about my experience with pregnancy and epilepsy. My exwife had epilepsy during her pregnancy with our daughter. She was taking either dilantin or tegretol at the time, I believe it was tegretol ( it was over 30 years ago). Our nueroligist at Harborview in Seattle had her do her regular routine of work ect. that any normal pregnant woman would. The doctor kept close watch on her blood levels and even had the gp take a blood sample from umbilical cord. I am happy to report that my daughter has had no side affects and is very smart young lady.


Lisa (iamrite) said:

Small Study by Gov Shows that there was no increased risk of gabapentin in pregnancy. The Mayo Clinic shows that there are no significant studies, so this is a Class C catagory drug.

Question then becomes for me, what do epilpetics do for pregnancy? I would imagine that this problem presents itself in that condition as well.

PS: Congrats on the new little blessing!!!!

That's awesome Scott and should give Mica here some peace :)

Hi! Sorry its taken me so long to reply! Thank you for that information on your wife and daughter that has helped boost me a little and ease some of the worry! Im feeling more and more confident every week that the baby is going to be ok :)

Scott said:

Greetings Lisa,

I can only talk about my experience with pregnancy and epilepsy. My exwife had epilepsy during her pregnancy with our daughter. She was taking either dilantin or tegretol at the time, I believe it was tegretol ( it was over 30 years ago). Our nueroligist at Harborview in Seattle had her do her regular routine of work ect. that any normal pregnant woman would. The doctor kept close watch on her blood levels and even had the gp take a blood sample from umbilical cord. I am happy to report that my daughter has had no side affects and is very smart young lady.


Lisa (iamrite) said:

Small Study by Gov Shows that there was no increased risk of gabapentin in pregnancy. The Mayo Clinic shows that there are no significant studies, so this is a Class C catagory drug.

Question then becomes for me, what do epilpetics do for pregnancy? I would imagine that this problem presents itself in that condition as well.

PS: Congrats on the new little blessing!!!!


No need to apologize. I am very happy you are feeling more confident all the time. A positive outlook is good medicine in itself. I'm looking forward to hearing the good news of the arrival of you baby! Take good care of yourself!
