Anyone experience TN while pregnant?

We're currently trying to get pregnant. I'm taking carbamazepine right now, 200mg a day.

Just wondering what you've experienced, if the pain increases or decreases, if you stayed on your medication.

Thanks so much!

I was on neurontin, and got off of it immediately when I found out I was pregnant. (I hear it is easier to get pregnant on these meds). I did not have another flare up until about 5 years after the baby! It was great not to have it, didnt even think about it, and then it slowly started to come back. Hopefully you will also become pain free and maybe your remission will last even longer! Good luck with everything!

Thank you so much! I plan on stopping my medicine too, once we do get pregnant. I've heard that pain stops during the pregnancy, which I am definitely hopeful for!

I would not want to be on this med even while trying to get pregnant. Most research recommends not being on it while getting or being pregnant. High rate of deformaties for baby. Kidney, heart and mental. Do your research and make the best decision for your situation. This is definitely a crap shoot with significant results. I understand the pain you are experience and know this will not be an easy descision to make. All the best.