I don't know what to do

So, I have finally realize that I am starting to lose my independence. I am starting to not be able to drive. Yesterday I was driving and I got very dizzy. These medications are affecting my way of life. I am a single mother with three kids. I am hundreds of miles away from my family. I don’t really have any friends here locally that I can count on. I really don’t know what to do. I have purchased a house, so I just can’t pick up and move. It’s not just my house, it’s also the fact that I don’t have any money saved. Sigh. What to do?

Hi Latisha,
I to do not have family around to count on, my friends have been there for me but I also found if you talk to the right people there are services thay may be able to help with emotional support and more. Do you have access to a pain clinic or can you be referred to one. The seniors (i know your not a senior) advocate society or other senior groups have information on services that you may be eligible for as well. I dont know if you believe in a religions but many churches also have services. You will have to make a few calls depending on what your needs are. I bet you will be surprized at what you find. I would also talk to your doctor as to how long it will take for your meds to adjust with less side effects or are they the right meds for you. I hope some of these ideas help. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,
Take care,

Hi Tracy, thank you for the ideas. You definitely gave me some ideas that I didn’t think of. Starting Monday, I will be setting some of these ideas into motion. And thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Thats great Latisha, keep us posted.

Sorry you are having a rough time. I have no kids at the moment just myself to worry about. I think it's got to be bloody hard being a single mother to three kids never mind with the medical issues. Tracy seems to have the good advice I just wanted to say thinking about you x

Sorry you are having a hard time. Can some of your family come to you to help? If not, you may eventually have to go to them even though you don't want to. I hope and pray you get some answers soon. ((((hugs))))

Donna, no my family isn’t here. They are on the east coast. And I live on the west coast. I would move, but I have my house to think about. With the housing market being the way it is, it will be kind of difficult.

Marie, I agree that Tracy had some wonderful ideas. It is difficult raising my children and deal with this disease.

Thank you both for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

You are all always in my prayers that’s for sure x

Latisha, I am so sorry about this. I gave up my license back in 2007 for just the reasons you mentioned here. I take care of my Grandchildren while their parents work 6 days a week. I just couldn't take the chance with my g-babes or myself...they need me. Have you discussed all this with your doctors? They may be able to write you a script for transportation. Check with community outreach programs, bus transportation (they may give vouchers through Department of Human Services) or see about bartering services for transport. The main thing is that you shouldn't drive...I told myself that 6 times before I finally handed over my rights...each time I drove it was more frightening...my awareness in that situation only got worse. Please don't stop investigating what might be available to you as an alternative and please inform your doctors. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Latisha...please let me know what you find out. PeacenLove, Always~Laurel

I hope you get the services that Tracy suggested. Blessings to you!