It’s a shame that there isn’t a commune for people with this pain to all live in so we can support and be physically present around each other without being told how to fix a problem that they don’t understand.
I know exactly how you feel, I am always told by friends to just get over it.."it's just a headache" don't let them get you down, because whatever they're saying, you know that if they experienced nerve pain then they wouldn't even be thinking it! stay strong! here if you need me
(((( hugs )))))
Ditto with the ((((((hugs))))))
Some days the people are more unbearable than the pain. They have no idea how much they add to our suffering, and there is no way to tell them without inflicting more pain on ourselves.
I guess this is our virtual commune. What’s for dinner? Bland protein shake?-
I was so relieved to find this forum to know there are others like me. It's so frustrating when people say try to have a good outlook. For me at this time, I am so miserable and becoming more pissed day by day I just want to sleep until it goes away but who knows if that will ever happen. On the other end I have a boyfriend that makes me feel so loved that I believe the endorphines help from time to time. So I guess it just depends on what I haven't a clue. Sorry for the rambling... I'm just at my witts end tonight.