I am so Nervous about surgery

My doctor diagnosed me by my symptoms. Burning when I swallow and eat. I have burning in the back of my nose. It feels like I have an ear infection, plus my tongue burns and hurts when I eat. My pain Doctor just added some Lyrica, it seems to be helping. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Wow Vicdoc yours seemed much worse than mine. I am happy to hear you are pain free now. Best of luck to you!

Kala, I am happy to hear that your surgery was a success and you are now pain free. Best of luck to you.

I am so sorry that your MVD did not work Deleone. Praying you have many pain free days..

Thanks ,and yeah Vicdoc glad your surgery worked I remember yo gas yours right before mine my problem does sound different then what you describe to

Yes, it was horrible, and I was down to eating one very quick meal a day. It was all I could stand, and I was losing 10 lbs a month. Surgery saved my life. I hope all who continue to suffer from this find some relief...

I remember when mine first started I could hardly eat anything. Even drinking a plain glass of water was painful. It felt red and raw, like I was swallowing hot rocks. The pain would go from my throat to my ear. I went almost a year like that before I found the right Doctor who knew what this dreadful condition was. I still baffles me as to how did this happen.


jessica said:

I applaud your decision. You need to do something like this when it is the right time for you. I was fortunate to find a great surgeon in Denver and had my surgery in March 2013. I knew it was the right time for me with the right surgeon. While I was nervous having a major surgery, I knew it was the right decision to go through with it.

I had a very easy recovery. I didn't suffer from any side effects. I was, of course, very tired and had planned for 4 weeks off of work. I started taking very short walks within a week of the surgery - they were perhaps 2 blocks long and I was extremely slow - but was able to get around. I spent my time recovering with a lot of sleep and went back to work full-time after 4 weeks. I could have easily gone back after 3 - but decided to take the full allotment to rest.

I am virtually pain free and on ZERO medication. This was a life changing surgery for me and I couldn't be more happy that I decided to go through with it. I wish you the best of luck in your decision - you will know when and if the time is right for you. Many people manage fine with medication.

Best Wishes.

Jasmine - I am sorry you opted to postpone, but it is probably best until you are 100% ready to go. I am a "fix it" kind of person and had TOTAL confidence in my surgeon, so the choice was easy for me and my husband backed me all the way. At 63, with Medicare looming and not knowing what Obamacare is going to do with our health system, it was time for me to jump! I was also on a cocktail of 4 different drugs that was controlling the pain, but the side effects from the drugs were not allowing me live as active a lifestyle as I was used to. Being an otherwise healthy 63-year old was also in my favor. We eat nutritionally and have been exercising consistently for the past 35 years. So I knew that was in my favor. The only set back post op was nausea for about 4 days that left me in the hospital until that was taken care of. I had lost hearing briefly in my right ear (which came back as Dr. Krisht said it would within a couple of weeks) and that side of my head was a little numb, but those nerves are coming back as well. (again as Dr. Krisht said they would). I am only 4 weeks out tomorrow and am chomping at the bits to start driving again. I guess the horrible weather we are having has made it easier for me not to want to get out.

I quite taking my drugs the day after surgery and have experienced no pain as a result of that. I walked from ICU to my new room at the other end of the hall the day after surgery and have had NO balance problems in the least. I am taking it easy as instructed, but have started back on my exercise program from a chair. Not much cardio, but it is getting my arms and legs moving with some stretching as well. That first week with the nausea was the hardest, but after the pain that I've experienced that past several years, I would definitely choose to do it again. Dr. Ali Krisht in Little Rock, AR was my surgeon. A humble, compassionate and confident (in a good way) surgeon. His staff was amazing as well. Once I choose to start visiting with him, I would often have to wait a long time to get in to see him, but with his talent I was happy to do that. He is helping so many people in this area.

My best to you, Jasmine, as you continue to go down you journey with GPN. I think you will know when it is right for you to go ahead with whatever treatment you decide on. I would highly recommend Dr. Krisht as you look around for just the right person to take care of you. I would also be happy to help in any way I can should you want to come and talk to him about your GPN.

God bless you, Jasmine. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this very strange malady...but take heart! It can be fixed when you are ready.

caroline finley

Hi Caroline

Thank you so much for taking time out to tell me about your journey with GPN. I greatly appreciate your advice and support. You seem like you were struggling with this for a while and the surgery was the best option for you. I'm glad your feeling better now and back to your self. In time I may consider having the surgery myself. Thanks so much for looking out for me. Arkansas is pretty far from me. I live in the NYC area. I'd most likely choose a surgeon In New York City. That was very kind of your offer to go with me!! That means so much! All the best to you always.!



what is MVD, I have suffered for 6 years and I am taking 800mg of Gapeti


what is MVD surgery, I have suffered for 6 years with this and I am taking 800mg of


MVD is MicroVascular Decompression, a neuro-surgical procedure to move the blood vessels causing pressure on the nerve or nerves in your brain which may be the cause of your pain.

It worked immediately for me, and I am pain free 14 months now after having horrible pain off and on for 6 years, the last episode was 6 months long and more than I could bear.

The surgery doesn't always work, and the side effects can be significant. My recovery took a while and it was rough (look at some of my previous posts in this thread) but i am pretty much normal and I wish I did the surgery years ago.

Thank you, I live in Florida, I have a doctor who does not know much about this and will have to find someone who knows about this type of Neuralgia. Not sure where to look for one. Can you help on this matter?

Vicdoc said:

MVD is MicroVascular Decompression, a neuro-surgical procedure to move the blood vessels causing pressure on the nerve or nerves in your brain which may be the cause of your pain.

It worked immediately for me, and I am pain free 14 months now after having horrible pain off and on for 6 years, the last episode was 6 months long and more than I could bear.

The surgery doesn't always work, and the side effects can be significant. My recovery took a while and it was rough (look at some of my previous posts in this thread) but i am pretty much normal and I wish I did the surgery years ago.

there is a clinical procedure to strengthen a weak vocal cord post MVD surgery. It involves injecting the weak cord with a collagen like substance. The results are immediate though you will lapse into hoarseness for about a week or a tad longer. It is not pleasant but well with going through for such positive results.
I am going for my 2nd MVD March 6. I am bilateral and had a successful result before though I did have to undergo the vocal cord “plumping up”.