Hsv1 ?!

anyone ever heard of a commection between the Trigeminal nerve and herpies simplex ONE?!

connection .. oops

i mean i know it is "stored" in that nerve but let me be more specific with my question .. ever heard of it CAUSING TN?! (as pain is TEARING through my jaw as I write this desperately trying to figure things out)

I have a friend, and she suffers HSV-1 badly, and she says every time she gets a new sore, she gets shocks in that area. I know she takes some TN meds, but also takes Valtrex (or similar) to keep the virus down, which then gives her fewer TN flare ups.

huh .. thanks again .. u answered my other question and got me rsearching this a lot right now .. (like i dont have four kids in the other room waiting for dinner!!) ... but yeah .. HSV1 is stored in that nerve ... and there is also called HSV6 that many people believe causes TN .. which explains why you have "outbreaks" of it similar to when you have "outbreaks" of HSV1 or 2... hmm.. interesting. the antinflammatories REALLY help which is why we are thinking virus?! although still getting the mri to make sure ..

Yes. My neuro says that is what may have caused my TN. Research it, and then see your dr if you haven’t already.

jennifer: simplex one or 6? i know there is a simplex 6 which is more compliacted .. but did he actually say the simplex ONE may have caused it? if so that would explain a lot of the "come and go" i guess. all the dr said was "may be virus related" so i am staying on the anti-inflams and the steroids but still avoiding the carbatrol. mri results not here yet. i know im posting a lot but new to this and just researching and researchng and researching ...

Gerri- at the time it was thought that I was having my 2nd episode of shingles. I do get cold sores as well. My pain is mostly in my ear, behind my eye, and jaw just below my ear. I get strikes along one side of my tongue and yesterday up my nose - that was a first and made me cry.

Neurontin (Gabapentin) helps

yeah mine is bad in my ear and jaw ... thats why they kept saying ear infection and the CVS clinic!!! Till i finally went to the emergency room and said THIS AINT NO STINKIN' EAR INFECTION YOU TEXAS HICK MORON DOCTORS!! just kidding .. i didnt really say that but felt like it :P

I am presently researching this as well. I have tn and gn and hemofacial spasms. And lots and lots and lots of cold sores. I had my gn attack after having a cold sore IN THAT EAR. Too coincidental for me.

My docs poo poo it but I know it. I just KNOW it. Especially after my last bout with my rheumatologist about it, since I have lupus. My neuro thought the lupus could be to blame for my tn. My GP doesn't believe in any hsv causing tn. Seems reasonable to me since I thought it was established that if hsv is sitting dormant in your ganglia in cranial nerve7 you'll get Bells Palsy. I've had that twice.

So Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!

Talk to me, let's brainstorm. Love Julie

Yes, I have heard of a connection between the herpes virus and the trigeminal nerve. POST HERPETIC NEURALGIA...I believe is the term.

Yes, but I'm talking about herpes simplex 1, the cold sore virus. The one that causes Bell Palsy, not the shingles virus, which is herpes zoster.

From what I understand it is only theoretical that hsv 1 can cause tn as well. Although I beg to differ. :)

Love Julie

well the theory is because hsv 1 is stored in that nerve (they know that for a fact) that it causes the "outbreaks " of TN.. makes sense ...

Well try and tell my GP that. He's dead set against it. My neurologist also. My rheumatologist doesn't seem to have a clue.

Lucky me. Much love, Julie

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) enters sensory neurons and can remain latent there until reactivation. During latency restricted HSV-1 gene expression takes place in the form of latency-associated transcripts (LAT). LAT has been demonstrated to be important not only for latency but also for reactivation, which may cause cranial nerve disorders. Tissue sections of the trigeminal ganglia (TG), geniculate ganglia (GG), and the vestibular ganglia (VG) from seven subjects were examined for the presence of LAT using the in situ hybridization technique. LAT was found on both sides in allTG (100%), on both sides of five subjects (70%) in the GG, and in none of the VG. Using a second more sensitive detection method (RT-PCR), we found LAT in the VG of seven of ten other persons (70%). This is the first study to demonstrate viral latency in the VG, a finding that supports the hypothesis that vestibular neuritis is caused by HSV-1 reactivation. The distribution of LAT in the cranial nerve ganglia indicates that primary infection occurs in the TG and GG and subsequently spreads along the faciovestibular anastomosis to the VG.

BAM!! i have TONS of more articles i have found .. TONS!! I am absolutely postiive that this is NOT the case for all but it HAS to be the case for many ...

Slam, Slam and Double Slam! I know my hsv 1 has everything to do with my cranial nerve disorders. I KNOW it, as I feel it is so with every bone in my body! I've been plaqued with hsv 1 throughout my entire life. I think hsv 1 is also responsible for my severe peripheral neuropathy.

Read this:

Latent herpes simplex virus type 1 transcripts in peripheral and central nervous system tissues of mice map to similar regions of the viral genome.

Deatly AM, Spivack JG, Lavi E, O'Boyle DR 2nd, Fraser NW.


Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-4268.


Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA and RNA have been detected in peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS) tissues of latently infected mice. However, explant methods are successful in reactivating HSV-1 only from latently infected PNS tissues. In this report, latent herpesvirus infections in mouse PNS and CNS tissues were compared by in situ hybridization to determine whether the difference in reactivation was at the level of the virus or the host tissue. It was demonstrated that the HSV-1 transcripts present during latency in the mouse PNS and CNS originated from the same region of the genome, the repeats which bracket the long unique sequence. Therefore, the difference in reactivation with PNS and CNS tissues cannot be accounted for by differences in the extent of the HSV-1 genome transcribed during herpesvirus latency. Latent HSV-1 RNA was detected in the trigeminal ganglia (PNS) and the trigeminal system in the CNS from the mesencephalon to the spinal cord as well as other regions of the CNS not noted previously. Latent HSV-1 RNA was found predominantly in neurons but also in a small number of cells which could not be identified as neuronal cells. It is suggested that host differences in CNS and PNS tissues, rather than differences in latent virus transcription, may be important determinants in the HSV-1 reactivation process in explanted tissues.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
do you have the link to your study? I'm going in armed to my neurologist. I'm not even on antivirals. Talk about UNDERtreated! Let's keep finding more evidence. Much Love and GRATITUDE, Julie
ps. I also have lupus and cervical dystonia problems which has complicated my case trying to find the origin of my cranial neuropathies, but in all reality, I cannot discount the fact that I have tn attacks and gn attacks and distortion in taste and smell during hsv 1 breakouts. I mean I had one in my ear for the first time and then had a gn attack in THAT ear.
Much love, Julie

oh i have tons of links .. have to go to my daughters Kindergarten grad so will be back on line later... i have had outbreaks so mad of "cold sores" i would miss school as a kid and take valtrax when i feel the outbreak coming!!! imjust going to play and try the valtrax for the TN when it comes next time although im still on the inflams and steroids right now . waiting for further mri testing to do all the normal tumor rule outs, etc... HSV2 is stored in the lower spine area somewhere (i forgot where cause wasnt paying that much attention ) but 1 is stored in that nerve... but bad news is just like cold sores you cant really prevent an outbreak .. good news is their temp. and go away after a few days , right? mine was 6 days long ..

Mmm.....Interesting! I have HSV-1 many outbreaks of sores controlled nicely with Valtrex. Kills em dead! Not sure if it was my cause of TN though. MRI showed a vein laying across and along my nerve. They went in and separated the two and bingo no pain!

Just my thoughts. :)

did they put the plastic wrap thingie around it?