I was a stay at home Mom for years. I started working part-time for my brother in October. Today my pain sucked, plus I was battling some allergies due to mold in the old building our office was in. Between the two problems I finally broke down and cried.
Thats all fine and well as he is my brother, but could you imagine if my boss wasn't family!! I really wanted a job, but when in flare up it makes it so difficult to enjoy it and work to the best of my ability!
How do you all work! and deal with this! Especially those who have to work full time! to those single parents with Kids......OMG I cant even imagine!
I have been on Tegretol 400mg for the past 6 months - I was changed to Trileptal yesterday and can ALREADY see the difference! I saw a neuro yesterday for the first time and he was surprised on the low dosage I was taking and said that there is NO reason to hurt! This was so promising and positive! He put me on Trilep 600 mg (300 twice daily) and I truly woke up this morning with such little discomfort!! I am a school teacher so I need to be on my "A" game; been almost impossible, but I am optomistic after today...maybe talk to your doc about your meds?? ...definitely feel for ya Irish!!
I have lived with constant pain in my left cheek and temple for 7 years now. I don't know how I have made it this far and every day I feel so hopeless. I am going to see a new neuro Monday and ask for a more invasive approach. I can't handle the meds
Interesting Chris I have never tried the 2 meds you have mentioned. How are the side effects on Trileptal
l ? Glad you are feeling better
cris said:
I have been on Tegretol 400mg for the past 6 months - I was changed to Trileptal yesterday and can ALREADY see the difference! I saw a neuro yesterday for the first time and he was surprised on the low dosage I was taking and said that there is NO reason to hurt! This was so promising and positive! He put me on Trilep 600 mg (300 twice daily) and I truly woke up this morning with such little discomfort!! I am a school teacher so I need to be on my "A" game; been almost impossible, but I am optomistic after today...maybe talk to your doc about your meds?? ...definitely feel for ya Irish!!
Im on lyrica. I was on others before that but they didnt help much. Granted im on a low dosage, but gratefully I havent gotten a lot of flare ups or unbearable pain for a while. Usually if I do it only lasts a day or so which I can handle. Its when its days that I want to be home sulking! Therefore, at this time I rather not increase unless I really have to! Plus as we all know with medication comes side effects sometimes I dont know which is worse honestly.
I have pain meds too but I am not a fan of feeling "high" and I dont sleep well when on them.
I cant even imagine being a teacher with TN! :) Chris.....you are my hero girl!
Jeff, have you tried Amitriptyline at a dose of 100mg/day or higher? I have 24/7 pain and nothing worked, and then I got to that does of the amitriptyline and it really made a difference in my quality of life....
To the original poster, I've had to go on disability for the pain. I worked while in pain for nine months and the pain just kept getting worse, so I had to take a medical leave of absence.
I have been having issues for the past 5 months, and like Cris I am a teacher as well. It has honestly been getting more and more difficult to stay on my "A" game. I have been on Indocin for the past 3 months and Gabapentin for the past month. I am not sure what, if anything, the Gabapentin is doing. I think the Indocin has been having less of an effect as things progress. As far as pain, I cannot remember the last time I can recall a moment without pain. At the end of last week I started getting this smoldering fire/burning sensation around my right eye and on my right cheek bone. It has continued everyday since. I also have a constant right-side headache 24/7. Not to be a Gloomy Gus, but I am not sure how I am doing it to be honest. I, and my brain, am getting so tired. Cris, how is the Trileptal in regards to side effects? I have never heard of it...then again, I am new to all of this and had no idea that Indocin existed until 3 months ago.
Fred, Trileptal is also known as Oxcarbazepine Shannon posted a discussion under Forum . You may want to take a look at this as there are quite a few responses on there. :) Min
I take Trileptal, lots of it. 2400 mg a day. I have a high stress, high pressure job full time job. My body has adapted well. Sure there are days, where the pain breaks thru the medicine, but not many. I load my medicine heavier in the pm, because I do take so much and can’t be groggy during the day. I have been on this for yearsssss, and have tried quite a few other ones. So far, for me, Trileptal seems to be the trick.
I work, I have to focus on every work activity intensely. My brain does not work as it used to in any shape or form. Without work however I would be very depressed. I feel for all you guys really struggling.
crystalv said: Thank You Crytalv no I haven't tried the drug you mentioned . I wiil suggest it to my neuro though
Jeff, have you tried Amitriptyline at a dose of 100mg/day or higher? I have 24/7 pain and nothing worked, and then I got to that does of the amitriptyline and it really made a difference in my quality of life....
To the original poster, I've had to go on disability for the pain. I worked while in pain for nine months and the pain just kept getting worse, so I had to take a medical leave of absence.
I can honestly tell you that the past 36 hours have been significantly less pain and I have had SUCH less of the 'brain fog'! the Tegretol made me feel like I was always surrounded by a bubble I couldn't get out of. I have slowly but DEFINITELY noticed the difference in my energy as well. I have been sleepy shortly after I take the Trileptal, but that is truly no big deal compared to the depressive state I felt like have been in with the Tegretol...hope it lasts!! Best wishes to you! :)
Interesting Chris I have never tried the 2 meds you have mentioned. How are the side effects on Trileptal
l ? Glad you are feeling better
cris said:
I have been on Tegretol 400mg for the past 6 months - I was changed to Trileptal yesterday and can ALREADY see the difference! I saw a neuro yesterday for the first time and he was surprised on the low dosage I was taking and said that there is NO reason to hurt! This was so promising and positive! He put me on Trilep 600 mg (300 twice daily) and I truly woke up this morning with such little discomfort!! I am a school teacher so I need to be on my "A" game; been almost impossible, but I am optomistic after today...maybe talk to your doc about your meds?? ...definitely feel for ya Irish!!
no hero bud...just doin' my thing while I can! Thanks though, you made my day kiddo! :)
IrishIwasntinpain said:
Im on lyrica. I was on others before that but they didnt help much. Granted im on a low dosage, but gratefully I havent gotten a lot of flare ups or unbearable pain for a while. Usually if I do it only lasts a day or so which I can handle. Its when its days that I want to be home sulking! Therefore, at this time I rather not increase unless I really have to! Plus as we all know with medication comes side effects sometimes I dont know which is worse honestly.
I have pain meds too but I am not a fan of feeling "high" and I dont sleep well when on them.
I cant even imagine being a teacher with TN! :) Chris.....you are my hero girl!
befor I found out why I has so much pain, I thought I was "loosing" until it became unbearable. I now have meds that help control my pain and my alergies. I do take lots of meds, but that is the way it works for me. I need to work. Im lucky I can rest when I have bad days. People who know me understand. when I have good days I fill them up with what I want to do, and I do my job to my best. When I have bad days I get by. I learned to live with the chronic pain, some times it makes me sad, but I don't allow myself to much time to be sad. I wish you the best, you will find what works for you I am sure.
I had been on tegretol and as time went by, had to increase the dosage periodically. About 1/2 hour, the stoned feeling period began and ran for about 1.5 hours. I would take the medication just before heading out the door to get to work. Once at work, the stoned feeling ran it's course, work had to be doubled check all the time (accounting) as I knew I was proned to errors. Then at lunch, more tegretol, more stoned feeling and by the time work was done I was feeling normal enough to drive home. It was a vicious cycle. Then my meds were changed as the effectiveness wore off. I was on a mix of 2 pills and then I couldn't drive to work much less step onto a curb or stay awake. I was like that for 3-4 months and finally seeked surgery. Had MVD surgery (had to teflon pad 3 sites) and was fine for 3 years. Then the burning pain came back and I was put on Tegretol xr. That was great as the blood levels of the medication was not roller-coaster style, but even and I was lucid all the time with no pain. A bout of rash ended that heavenly medication. Went into a remission but now the pain is back and I need to try something else, like neurotonin or maybe something else I can suggest to my family doctor, that I see here in the forum.