
I am feeling very hopeless. I have tried tegretol and baclofen and had to go off because of side affects. I am taking lyrica now but it does nothing. I have a bad neck and migraines as well. Anyone else have multiple issues?.I am considering being referred to the MN Mayo clinic for help.

I'm sorry you're feeling hopeless right now, Barb. I think we've all been in your shoes a time or two. As someone else who hasn't had much luck with meds either, I encourage you to see a specialist at Mayo. It certainly can't hurt.


Barb, I also am very sorry you are having such pain and the feeling of hopelessness.That is such an awful feeling,I was in so much pain and feeling very hopeless,then with the depression, anxiety, ect. like yourself I have migrains, also TN1,TN2, TMJ, and GN, started out 23 years ago with just migrains. I was too the point last nov. that the pain and my life like I WAS, was not even worth living. Not saying it is perfect now by no means but I have a life again.To shorten this story,GALLIXA to MY RESCUE!!! I REALLY HOPE YOU FIND YOUR ANSWER SOON!!! If you would like to know more about the cream (gallixa) just type it in the search bar, or feel free to message me. I try to check in here a couple times a day eary mornings and late at night. I never had any hope in this cream at all and it has changed my life for the better my pain has been cut in half in,uh, 10 months, and I now expect to continue to get even better with this cream I had NO HOPE IN!!! Like I keep saying, this is my answer on top of my meds.At this point I have run out of options. That is why WE ALL NEED ACURE FOR TN AND ALL FACE PAIN! So everyone that reads even this part PLEASE take a min. and sign the petition,ask your family and friends to sign it also. DON’T FORGET OCTOBER 7TH!!! WEAR TEAL!!! Barb wishing you find YOUR answer to this HORRIBLE disease. The very best day to you my friend in tn,dawn

Nortriptyline or Amitriptyline have worked for me. Have you tried a tricyclic?