Highly Recommend Dr. Jose Valerio at Cleveland Clinic Florida

Since the beginning of March 2012, I have been seeing a neurosurgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in South Florida. His name is Dr. Jose Valerio and he is an amazing man. He performed my MVD surgery and I was home within 2 days afterward. Suring that time, he made sure I was comfortable and visited me often and even showed me pictures of the vessel touching the nerve! He 'half' fixed it because the V1 nerve is still highly aggited and has been doing everything under the sun to try and fix the problem, or at least allow me to live comfortably and normally. His staff is friendly and the ICU I was kept in was amazing. They took such good care of me and talked to me when I felt lonely when my family wasn't around. They were also gentle with me when I had to get a CT scan the morning following my MVD and even went out of the way to find me chocolate icecream since eating was difficult. I highly recommend him for any and all neurosurgeries.

I've added Dr Valerio to our doctor recommendations page. Thanks for the referral.

Regards, Red

thanks for this. Is he in southwest Fl close to Fort Myers? I would love to go see him..


No problem #kathiegil. He works at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston,Florida which I think might be like and hour to 1 1/2hrs from where you are. He's definately worth the trip.

thank you Katie. Did the MVD help? Hope your doing great......

I am seeing Dr. Valerio thanks to a referral on this page and was diagnosed with GPN. So very grateful!

Richard A. "Red" Lawhern said:

I've added Dr Valerio to our doctor recommendations page. Thanks for the referral.

Regards, Red

My mom is a patient of Dr.Valerio now. She’s going in for her second balloon compression Monday.

Dr.Valerio left CC. He is now down in Miami.

I have added him to my list as well - I have had 2 surgeries at Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida (Miami/Ft Lauderdale) and the care there is fantastic but their physicians are all excellent !!!