Hi My name is Westley and I'm from the UK, age 40 married with two daughters.
I've been a sufferer of Neuralgia type 2 for what must be 5 years, since early 2008. I get the constant ache all day everyday, some days I am pain free which I treasure these days so so much but usually the pain starts in the mornings and stays with me all day until I go to bed at night.
I have had several tooth extractions due to the chronic pain, with every extraction has bought pain relief for a short time. I get the pain both sides but never at the same time, eating, drinking and brushing my teeth starts the pain off.
The pain started on the left side and then moved over to the right. The pain seems to lock itself in on the left side at first for about 1 year and then moved over to the right side and has stayed there for 3 whole years (pain is far worst on the right side).
I did have 1 whole year pain free which was last year, this was after the last extraction. But now the pain has come back again, this time where it originally started (back on the left side). The pain is like a living hell, I cant even imagine how I have copped for these past 5 years.
When the pain powers up at its worst, the pain is always located to a tooth, around my eye and to the front of my forehead. My Dentist has been very understanding but she really does not want to extract anymore of my teeth, I have lost so many of my rear molars which has reduced the pain slightly, but still I cannot believe I am still suffering after all this time.
What sort of disease is this, the pain is unbearable. I have had a CT scan which they found nothing wrong, I have also seen a Neurologist which I thought was a waste of time as the Doctor put the pain down to stress.
I am adamant that the pain is Dental related.
I do not know where to turn next.