Hi, I'm new here and live in the UK :)

Hi everyone

Like most of you, I live in pain and wondered if any of you know of any techniques by which to ease the pain. Before this, I was a strong, independent woman, now I have to rely more and more on my son, which I hate. I am becoming more isolated, as I have had to give up work, I can no longer have a lengthy conversation and my concentration levels are poor due to the high doses of medication. Next week I have another cortisone injection and in July I have a referral to the Neuro department.

Wish me luck on this painful journey, it has only taken four years so far :) I wish my son didn't have to hear me crying out when I do have an 'episode', but it seems that more or less anything can set it off. Washing my face, eating, talking, any wind/breeze .. aaaarrrrgh. Medication helps, but when it kicks off, I know about it.

I look forward to hearing from members in a similar situation or from the caregiver for their side of the story



hi juno
did the pain get worse ? thruout the years this is new 2 me
just dx
pain horrid under attack
afraid i will loose my living job

my husband my life

loving job

Janet Ortiz said:

loving job

Hi Janet

Sorry for the late reply, we are in different time zones :) TN is different for everyone. For me, the pain did get worse but is now, for the most part, being managed by medication. However, it seems as though the dosage is increasing making me lack concentration. I have had to give up my job, many do, I hope this is not the case for you.

Lo siento por la respuesta tardía, estamos en diferentes zonas horarias :) TN es diferente para cada persona. Para mí, el dolor se empeora, pero es ahora, en su mayor parte, siendo gestionado por la medicación. Sin embargo, parece como si la dosis se aumenta haciendo que me falta de concentración. He tenido que renunciar a mi trabajo, muchos lo hacen, espero que este no es el caso para usted.

This may have shown twice but the first time did not register here :)

Juno x