Dear Johanna,
You hit on something that I think most of us who require opiates to control our pain have had to deal with, at one time or another. It is adding insult to injury, really. One is already in pain and only anticipating paying, or having their insurance pay, for the medication which treats that pain, and is treated like an addict.
Oh, when are the doctor's and pharmacies going to wake up and learn that addiction and dependency are two different things?
I think that I use an approach which is somewhere between Tracy's and Red's. I actually changed pharmacies from one of the major chain drug stores, to a Mom and Pop drug store that has been in business for around half a century. The reason why I did this is because the large chain treated me like a "drug seeker" almost every time I had to pick up medications from them. The would closely review how many days it had been since I had filled my last prescription. They refused to fill it until the 31st day after the last script was written.
This is a problem because . . . .
If I am out of medicine, I have 20 minutes in the morning, unmedicated, before it comes on, that throbbing, searing, crushing, pinching, pressure hell, that I have come to know in my face along the TN nerve path. That means that I would be in a mad dash on the 31st day, after having exhausted my month's supply of Morphine, Oxycodone and Diazepam, which are all "scheduled drugs" of varying ranks.
On that 31st day, I would wake up early, have to get my girls ready for school, pick my fiance up from his night job and get to the pharmacy, unmedicated. By the time I would get to the pharmacy, as far as my disorder has progressed, I would be in pain that would probably put me in tears!
This past couple of months, I have not only changed Pain Management Clinics because of feeling like I was treated like a drug seeker by certain members of the staff, who have no clue what Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia is, but have also changed pharmacies because of what I explained above.
My Mom and Pop drug store will fill my presciptions on the 29th day, so I don't even have to sweat it on day 30! I absolutely love the place, and the staff. They know my story and seem to care about whether or not I get my medication on time. Compassion, when I find it, I applaud it and patronize it.
I explained to my new drug store WHY I switched all of my prescriptions over to them, although they are a 30 minute drive out of my way, wheras, the major chain is 5 minutes from my home. It is worth the drive NOT to be treated like a common "street junkie".
Johanna, if you don't mind me asking, what type of doctor prescribes your medications, who would require you to have them re-scripted weekly? At least my Pain Management Clinic fills mine monthly, after a visit. My Psychiatrist gives me 5 refills of Diazepam.
I have not had a wonderful doctor/patient repoire with everyone. I have stuck with my Psychiatrist, followed my PM doc to another practice and changed pharmacies, all because I only want to deal with people know care about me and understand my condition.
Maybe it's time to think about changing pharmacies or doctors, or both, if you are able.
When I say I am a bit like Tracy and a bit like Red, I am super nice to a point, but push me and I'm going to kick butt, and take names!!!!! I am as sweet as I can be. It is my disposition. But, the moment I feel I've been disrespected, after what I've been through with this illness, and how much I need my meds to remain functional for my children, my fangs and claws come out! I have written to people above the people who have mistreated me, and I now believe that "the pen is mightier than the sword", and change has to start somewhere.
Chronic Intractable Pain patients need their medication to control their pain. Would they deny a diabetic their insulin????
I am sorry that this happens to you, and to many of us. It's one of the reasons why I started this group. This type of situation is one of my major pet peeves. It sets me off and I see RED!
You deserve the medication to control your pain in a compassionate, hassle free, courteous and timely manner! Period!