Help, doc appt tomorrow

Hi All, question, I was told somewhere this is an example of a form to get insurance coverage for a P-Stim for TN OR ATN. My doctor would like to see how the diagnosis is written exactly to get it covered. Insurance has rejected me 3 times due to the write up. ? If certain words are used, it’s rejected right away. Any help greatly appreciated. I’ve clicked on everything at top and not found. Only found Advisory form. Thank You! D

Thank You Cleo for such quick response!

I have B/C B/S. My doc has said TN, neck pain, head pain etc. reject. What must he say to make insurance understand TN pain ? :(. This is exactly why we need awareness!

If you are on FaceBook, ther is a group called Occipital and Peripheral nerve stimulators that has great info, including insurance codes for stimulators. It is a closed group but the admin will add you if you send a request.
I had my PNS implant done in August, and this group was very helpful to me.
Good luck!

Thank you soo much!! :slight_smile:

I am still waiting for my insurance to approve the final surgery for this but what helped for me the trial was 1) statement that I had tried everything else and has serious life threatening reactions to some anti-seizure meds and other meds commonly used, 2) my dr. went back 2x to the insurance with rebuttals when it was denied, 3) when all else failed, I called them and really pushed and told them politely but very very explicitly and firmly every stinking thing I have suffered and how TN has impacted my life and asked them “How can you deny me pain relief from this?!?” I don’t know if they approved it because of the info I gave them OR because they didn’t want to take the chance of having to spend another hour on the phone with me. Good luck, don’t give up, if you do, they win!