
Hi, I joined the site a while ago but didnt find this UK area, so just joined now. My thoughts go out to anyone with this debilitating condition.. have had to watch my mum fight it & everything else suffer around her. Fingers crossed though things are on the up in the last month or so with this device she has been using and shes improving, but just wondering if its something she can ever be totally free of.. or if it will always keep coming back. I'm her researcher/son :) So any info is really helpful. Thank you all and love to you all.

Hi Hllehg,what is the devise your Mum has been using?

Hi there, its called a painshield

Let us know how she gets on with it, does she have TN1 or 2 and how does it work? Your a great son for helping her like this

Hi ollehg,

just wanted to say, well done on being so supportive of your mum, not every mother is blessed with a child who can empathise like this. Thankfully I am, twice over, it means a lot to us, the ones who have to live with this curse to have our loved ones helping us in any way, but to have a proactive family member, especially when it's a child, is very special! It engenders hope for the future.