I am so sorry you have been through this
It’s so very frustrating when Clinicians fall back on saying the cause is psychological .
I was a physician when my pain journey began.
The pain began in one part of my body. Multiple sites later it became most problematic in my Face.
The most accurate diagnosis for me based on Facial sites affected was Glossopharyngeal Neuropathy . Unfortunately most Doctors just know the name and Code for Trigeminal Neuralgia and its easier for them to type that in than look for a Dx code they do not know.
I agree with you totally on Neurontin —like diagnosing TN instead of GPN Docs will often prescribe that inappropriately because it prevents them from having the stigma of being an Opiate prescriber on their record.
There has been discussion among Clinicians about inapprpriate Neurontin use for all types of Chronic pain but some docs love an easy answer and ignore the side effects warnings . ( See The AFP article from December 2019 about un-intended consequences of its use )
I was on the max. dose of Neurontin for several years and became dysarthric. A later re-trial made me seriously depressed ,
BUT–Its important to note that for many people IT is a God-send . Just not for me .
Multiple seizure meds were tried with serious side effects . So finally I went to a pain clinic and was placed on opiates . They have been a blessing (and given me some quality of Life ) . I hope you can find someone to treat you with something stronger than Codeine IF that is what you need.
Codeine is not an appropriate opiate for severe Chronic Pain in my opinion. Extended release Opiates MAY be a better choice for some people. Many Pain Docs are Anesthesiologists and that is all they do … as opposed to the Neurologist who does Pain treatment as just part of their practice.They may be more willing to look at your Opiate options.
I hope you can find one who will help .
I am going to state a few things about Opiates here since I am suggesting you may need something stronger than Codeine. ------Of course to be on opiates YOU need to know yourself . Have you ever had a problem with inappropriate addictive substance use ?
Do many Family members have issues with addiction ?
Regarding Opiate use in addictive personalities --In one part of my career I was a certified Addiction Medicine Specialist — there are times even addicts need opiates.
I had an In-patient addict who was HIV positive and having a terrible Shingles outbreak . We gave him opiates because he needed them for pain relief but then had to get him off and back into treatment .
But that was an acute situations.
Its use in Addictive personalities is a sticky wicket for Chronic pain,look at the Deaths that lead to the Oxycontin issues in the US. I am NOT advocating the use of Opiates in people who have known issues, Positive Family History for addiction etc,
Another issue to bring up with Opiates is the more you take the more you need. Many Pain clinics handle this by switching people around to different meds and adjusting the starting dose of the new med to see what min. dose will work.
Opiates can be a blessing and not a curse if you have the right physiology and physician in charge
Of course Opiates alone are not the answer . I use topical creams ( lidocaine ). nasal sprays ( including Tetracaine ). Tylenol , Vitamins and so on
One of the most important treatments over a ten year period were V2V3 numbing injections in my face. They were so important–I could not have made it without them.
Bottom Line is I hope you will find a Pain Clinic that will look at all your options for treatment. If Codeine did not help perhaps someone trained in Pain Medicine should look at other meds in that arena along with other medications and treatments .