Wooohhh, hold up!
A big light was shone on the mentality of Neurologists, and their predjudice against people who want to get out of pain today.
I was in a very low voice, by someone I highly respect that I must be prescribed Neurontin, even though I feel it is not really doing anything to help my pain and I'm tired of dumping unneeded chemicals in my system.
I was told that other healthcare professionals, especially Neurologists don't like it whenever they see a person sustained only on narcotics. It's the only thing I've ever found that works. Someone show me a a surgery that cures ATN and I'm signing up tomorrow. Until then, I need to function and I thank God I now have some health providers who "get it'.
Well, this professional told me that patients had come in tears after visits with Neurologists, because they weren't taken seriously, because they didn't have some med in their regimen besides a pain pill.
The Chronic Pain Specialist, I was speaking with, and I spoke with several today, seemed to go along with me, that if I had been on Neurontin for a year and it didn't seem to matter too much whether I took it, or not, that it probably wouldn't hurt me to wean off of it. Well, but, of course, there's a catch . . . . . .so glad it was explained to me that I may offend a Neuro for not taking extra medications.
Ok, so I'll continue to be prescribed and take medicine I don't need, and has a negligible effect on my system, just so I can take the medicine that DOES help, just to placate my next Neurologist.
Such non-sense.
What has it come to?
Your friend,