Hello. I realized after posting in General, this question should be here. Had my MVD on September 2nd. Nasty headaches. No nausea or fevers. Using ice and pain meds. Have issues with my neck from previous herniated discs. Surgery was 5 1/2 hours long, so I’m sure that’s a contributing factor. Anyone else experience this? Surgeon said some people are more prone to them then others. Nervous Nellie, that being myself, would just love to hear someone else say, of course they are. And they can last for ****** weeks. Then I will resume my misery. Thank you anyone.
sorry to hear that about the headaches...they clamp your head a in horrible position in the way it stretches your neck, so i dont doubt it is feeling the effects. ice your neck and see if you can get someone to lightly massage it, staying away from the stitches
I hit reply and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Thank you for replying. Keep worrying about CFL. Ok I will calm down now. Husband picked up Fiorocet. It has caffeine, acetometophin, codeine and butalb, whatever that is. It helps. Stuffed woolen cap with ice. Should be good now. Wrapped ice in cloth and put it on pillow where I put my neck. Thank you so much. Kept checking mail for a response. They really hurt.Best wishes
I had MVD July 10 and had horrible migraines and headaches. My surgeon told me this was normal and that it would eventually get better. I was on Fiorocet at the time. The headaches and migraines eventually became fewer and fewer and I needed less Fiorocet as time went on. Now I only get migraines and headaches when we get storm systems moving through. Hang in there, it will get better. {{hugs}}, Jeanie
Thank you for the replies. Rough day today. Best wishes
Hi Lou. Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell after your surgery. I had a CSF leak after my MVD in December last year, the symptoms of which were headaches...but also terrible nausea which I don't think you have. Monitor the situation, but the main thing is to rest up, sleep really does help. I hope you feel better soon.
My headaches have improved. They sort of hang like a cloud and after a busy day, busy for me they set in. Still struggling with a superficial blood clot on my ankle. Lots of hot compresses. I recovered from the fever blisters on my lip, which can occur after an MVD. Have cancer sores on my tongue now. Ugh. Hitting my 3 week out mark. Slowly improving. I walked half a mile yesterday with my husband, my balance is improving. We see the oral Maxillofacial surgeon on Thursday. I really am kind of done with surgeons right now. I realize I am kind of rambling, please forgive. I just have so much going on. Best wishes to all.