Head Pressure and Ear Pain


Just wondering if anyone every suffers from head pressure with earache pain? I have Typical TN on the right side with Electrical stabbing pain that wont quit! But the last few weeks I have been have head pressure with ear pain that goes from one ear to the other! My blood pressure seems to go up with any activity. I was golfing running and everything until I was afflicted with this crazy evil disease!

Some times I feel as though my head will pop off! can anyone relate?


And I hope everyone has a Pain Free Day


My worst symptom has always been head pressure. I have type 2 and had MVD surgery last year. I also had some stabbing in my ear but now that is almost completely gone after the surgery. The head pressure is not as severe either but I still have it. Right after the surgery the pressure was gone too so I know it is related to TN. Eating certain foods makes it much worse - chocolate, caffeine and anything "strong" tasting like a mint or spicy foods and most hot drinks. I'm still on oxcarbazepin (just a smaller dose than I was on before the surgery) and that helps reduce the pressure somewhat.

I hope you are able to find something to reduce the pressure. I know it can be very miserable! Before surgery I took so much oxcarbazepin and nortriptyline that I slept most of the time if I wasn't at work. Sleeping helped and in the morning I had very minimal pressure. It continued to increase throughout the day until I slept for several hours again.



Thanks I appreciate the info so much!!! I don't think my General Dr understands. I'm Happy you have found some relief from the MVD. I hope that it will be a complete success!!

I have an appointment next week to investigate Gamma knife. I need to look at all the options. Like all of us I don't want to live like this.

I do find that I wake up I'm ok but like you as the day goes on I get worse My head feels heavy full of pressure and then it starts firing uuuggl!!! Even If I tilt my head down just a bit sometimes it starts to fire.

Thanks again

Carry on !!!

Stay Strong
