Will try to make this as short as possible. My TN has got much worse in the last couple of months. I have went with as much Dilantin and Gabapentin as I can. My neurologist gave me a two week starter pak of "Vimpat" to add to my dilantin and gabapentin if it got to a point that I couldn't handle it. Well, it has got to that point and I started on my Vimpat this morning. Does anyone know how long it will take for this to start helping? It seems to have helped somewhat, but that somewhat isn't a whole lot. It has helped the pulsating pain that brings screams. Also, I cannot drink anything without severe pain the tooth area. I have not been able to brush my upper right teeth in a week or so and yesterday just once I tried to brush the others just a little. Yesterday, for the first time, I have severe pain in the tooth area when trying to drink. I have barely managed to get my pills down today, reminds me a lot of when the root of the tooth dies.
My neurologist says, let it die. I had asked him about what if this situation were to come up just a couple of weeks ago. He says, let them rot and fall out but don't go to the dentist. It just so happens those teeth are capped. I know the root can still die as I have had that happen but how do I know? Does anyone else have the severe pain of TN when trying to drink anything.
I am really thirsty. It has been all I can do to get my meds down today.