Greeting to jburley from Ontario


Hello there and welcome to Living With Facial Pain! You are in the medical device industry huh? Very interesting - what kind of technology do you focus on, in particular?

I’m sorry to hear that your experience with medication up to this point has not been satisfactory. Fortunately, our wonderful community is always eager to help one another and share their experiences - so perhaps you will be able to find what you are looking for in regards to alternative treatment options.

You can use the Search Icon (top right corner of the green bar) to look through old discussions on a specific topic of interest. These are the results that come up from searching “alternative”, but I’d encourage you to search for something more specific if you have a particular treatment in mind.

I wish you the best - and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

Hi Eisi,

Since I joined, my response to Lyrica has improved. I no longer have the intensity of the shocks and pain has become quite manageable. I have been looking into LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) and wondering if you have heard of it or if it is something that people with TN have used with success?

I am an MRI technologist by trade and now work for a women’s health company focused on breast cancer screening, diagnosis and surgery.

Enjoying the posts and happy I joined the community :slight_smile:


And we are glad to have you with us! =)

These are the search results that come up when searching “LDN” on our forums - it looks like there has been some significant discussion on it around here. Hope this helps!

You should also feel free to make your own post about the topic if you wanted to spark some more recent conversation about it!